Originally Posted by DjPz View Post
dude you should release it at like...12:01 tonight!

yeah plzplz
this is a very nice script
i trust in god :D
First Public Release : 1.4.0 (28/02/2010)
Features :
  • In game menu, where you can choose between the available atmospheres (Key 'L')
  • Movie recording without any additional script (Key 'O')
  • Animations (flying leaves, snow flakes) pause when the game is frozen (paused or in edit mode)
  • Non-shaders environenment, with colourful floor, sky and sun.
  • Nine different environenment. More to come.

Download link in the first post.

Can an admin change the title of the thread into "[REL] Atmopsheres Scripts" ? Thanks !
Last edited by Melmoth; Feb 28, 2010 at 11:56 AM.
Holy crap Finally

Edit: Just Tested it And WOW. It even works without shaders This is Epic man im stunned.
Last edited by sprytryne; Feb 28, 2010 at 11:42 AM.
yay an upgrade! i got your poor shaders script earlier. i hope this doesnt crash my computer (laptop, sucks lol)

Problem: When freecam is loaded with an atmosphere script on, the objects disappear.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
You can use the integrated freecam (in TB 3.86).
There are many problems with lua scripts when you try to combien them, that's why I added a "movie recorder" in atmospheres.

But for the freecam, since the 3.86, you don't need to use the script, just press "2".