of course if you have any arguments left you use racism as one.

this thread is as racist as saying that german people drink a lot of beer or that italian people eat a lot of pasta and pizza. sure there are many italians and germans who don't but its true for a large part.
Originally Posted by Dutch (black lagoon)
My head's not torn off... My sunglasses aren't broken... Amen Halleluja, peanut butter

Originally Posted by Silatnu View Post

The Brotherhood has just concluded their emergency summit on the rise of tyrannical armies across Toribash. It has come to Our attention that your suppressive ways have finally sparked into an entity of hate and destruction. We have unanimously decided that you must be destroyed. Immediately. While our efforts have been passive towards the organizations, you may expect no such leniency. You and your army will be removed from Toribash in any form it may take. We are legion.

Expect us.

Sorry to be late on this... but you are lame Silatnu

and Shazzam bitch! wat u own is MINE... oh's yours too... and mine... also kinda yoursish cuz what i have isn't really mine... tho its ours... but still mine... bah

BTW... I do like the distributive system that communism technically proposes to a certain extent... though in reality and operationally......

Mehehehehehe (love the system) SHAZZAM!
Last edited by Barneh; Mar 19, 2008 at 05:11 PM.
I love you You love me
we're a happy family
with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you.
won't you say you love me too... BARNEEEEH
Could someone make a mod like this for our army?
I mean c'mon we could make it have no buildings and you kick him right over the wall.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
-Mohandas Gandhi
sorry i haven't posted yet yes i have been kinda busy with other stuff though i don't usually look on the forums for much :/
You don't say?
Sorry to be late on this... but you are lame Silatnu

and Shazzam bitch! wat u own is MINE... oh's yours too... and mine... also kinda yoursish cuz what i have isn't really mine... tho its ours... but still mine... bah

BTW... I do like the distributive system that communism technically proposes to a certain extent... though in reality and operationally......

Mehehehehehe (love the system) SHAZZAM!

Originally Posted by Dutch (black lagoon)
My head's not torn off... My sunglasses aren't broken... Amen Halleluja, peanut butter

Ahem ahem If I may have your attention
we're screwed. we got 4 people out to get us, and we are barely active.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
-Mohandas Gandhi