A great album, great flow and delivery, each track was riddled with word play and metaphors that kept me hooked until the very end. They correlated perfectly, creating a story displayed for all the listener to visualize within their conscience along with the smooth delivery and mind boggling lyricism. The message was great and yet again, the execution was greater, each stanza and verse in this poetry you call "rap" was just beautiful, verbal boomhits and your relentless flow made this so enjoyable, each word was manipulated in a manner that I've never seen before, let alone believed could happen. I love you for producing such a work of art, I'll never forget his album, it metaphorically groped my soul. Thank you.
Last edited by Hypez; Sep 9, 2015 at 01:14 AM. Reason: You are my shephard.

opener was pretty generic I guess, not that its a bad thing. I didn't like how you didn't use your right leg to help with the kick off, would have made things flow nicer. Transition after that was kinda random stuff, with a lot of unnecessary ghosting. Try to keep those to a minimum.

Your manip did indeed get him moving, but I felt a lot of the manip hits were really messy and could be aimed better. Cleaner hits tend to transfer more energy allowing for a much smoother manip.

dm's were alright, timed pretty good I'd say.

That final transition after that corkscrew thing was stiff as a tree, but its not as important as the actual substance of the replay.

You got a good thing going, but you are a little rough around the edges so to speak. Not bad by all means though, gj.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/

i'm not too fond of the relaxyish movements at certain points tbh
hold that damn neck will you (nah it's fine)
opener was pretty random
manip looked a little messy
last jump before hit was eh
dms were nice

I don't really like the opener to be honest. you kinda extended and contracted your knees a bit too much.
The manip was very good. You make me jealous I can't get uke to flow like that ;_;
I don't like the way you stopped the flow at around frame 300
other than that, that was pretty good. good job!
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
Sorry i'm quite busy.
But I managed to make something.
Attached Files
Pitch Black.rpl (745.6 KB, 67 views)
Pitch Black:

top notch dms and movement as usual
i'm not too fond of the unnecessary movements tbh, if it was done more creatively maybe i'd differ
i lol'd when you punched uke's upper body a couple of times
Thank you guys I really appreciate it.

I made a mistake and uploaded the wrong replay that has no pose so here's the one with a pose.

My apologies.
Attached Files
Pitch Black..rpl (725.5 KB, 77 views)
oh my god
those punches
those punches
those punches
those punches
those punches
those punches
they're awesome

have you tried -30?
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this