I am simga real name Edwin. I wan't to be in your clan because my frainds are in there its a great clan I would love to be in it. I'm 16 years old. I can win when people lift me. I play almost every day. I know almost every body in that clan. Yea so I hope I can get in I will still like your member's even if I don't get in. Have a great day.
Last edited by Atreus; Jun 23, 2014 at 11:06 PM.
Your favorite person to hate on
i want to join
hello my name arcaneblak im a brown belt I don't have a alt my global rank is 60667

the reason why I want to join is because I have never been in a good clan before
my favourite mod is akido
I don't have a preivous clan
im realy good at akido
Username: chillman10
Belt: black belt
resons to join: i want you guys to make me better and i make you better.
age: 15
skype: N/A but if accepted i will give it to you.

small bio:
Hey guys my name chillman10. My best mods are judo judosfrac mushu and wushu. I have been clanless for a month and i was hoping it would end here. i am ranked in the 30,000. i am usually on 9: 30- 4: 30 mountain time if i cant be on i will inform you. Thanks, and remember a black belt is a white belt that refused to give up.
A black belt is only a white belt that never gave up.
Application *triggerhappy*
Hello my name is Jay my ingame name is stevecion i have seen FC members play before and every person i meet from this clan surprises me, i am only Blue belt but i play with black belts - custom belts, i love ABD i play it all the time in bet servers, i would like to join FC because i think i would help the clan to be stronger i can take part in clan wars if you want me to, i say i am average when it comes to ABD, i dont know if any of your members will remember my name but they soon will.
Name: AngleEater, Nick: Angle. Real Name: Andy
Age: 13
Belt: Blue Belt
Favorite Mods: Judo, Judofrac, Aikido
Toribash Hours: 4-6 Hours, A day
Multiplayer Replays: In Managed Attachments.

Why I want to join FC: I think FC is a very good clan with lots of very good and kind people in it. I would want to join VoC because of their talent and kindness, I think I can get used to being a member by playing with others that are in the clan.

Personality: Well... I have a xbox that I play on. I don't really play on it anymore except watch netflix shows, I beat all of my games a long time ago and only watch shows about government and military just because I'm into that kind of stuff. I have about 10 games I bought on my xbox and I have beaten all of them, Proves I'm a gamer. In Toribash I think Being kind and winning is my top priority(s) in honor to this clan. I have a few friends that come over now and then because they live a few blocks away from me. We play with water balloons a lot and pull pranks on random people. The only bad side about them is I can't play Toribash as much because there over at my house a lot. With them being over all the time I think the least hours I could do is 3, Nothing less. With the clan on my side I will be able to have more fun and I think you will have more fun with me in your clan.
Last edited by AngleEater; Jun 28, 2014 at 02:48 AM. Reason: Bad grammer