Awesome, I like the origin of the name, and I love the replay either. but I expected a bigger boom in the first kick.
I didnt like thows first moves, that jump was kinda weird, not very fliud.
Thows Dm's were damn Beautiful!
Nice replay.
Thanks guys

Gamer: I did get a higher dm in a run but imo it looked more stylish with a double core than that.

Killa: Yeah originally I planned to make it just for fun and after that I saw the first kick in my mind so I realised it's got potential.
Well man...
That run wasnt very realistic, I think you should move your pecs and chest while running (like swex does).
That first jump was nice, good landing but the second jump wasnt that good you didnt lost momentum but I didnt like how it lookd.
The rest was good that bar flip was weird and cool pose.
Nice replay.