gabiel@ you are so personally offended if you insult me so rudely?
I have my work has always exhibited his work at the show.
and your system means that, to offer this "set" in other requests, and maybe you have already offered many times ...?
Originally Posted by gabiel View Post
i was saying that you should know , since you won alot of high priced request , that this set isn't worth that much.

The set is worth of the amount of tc paid for it. I know that set was easily done, and not very detailed, but the overall look of it is nice to me. If someone is ready to pay 400k for that, that's his decision.

I don't like much your marketing. First, you usually show your textures as 256x256, second, you always pm your offers. And why don't I like it? Well, PM:ing lets you offer the same set for everyone you want. Usually pleople posting a set in multiple threads are disliked. Also, if you pm your offer, other people can't see what they have to 'win'.

And if you gathered much tc's in a month, that means you did a lot of sets. I rarely make sets, maybe one a month. When I started texturing, 100k was a very big price for a set.
Texturing tutorial
No requests please
yep , i do not blame up2u's desicion , i blame eteste's behavior and ego.

hmm , i can understand that you think i only pm my entrys to not make think it's a pre-made , but it's not the case.
each sets that have been rejected from a request goes to my texture shop , in the 'pre-made sets' section.

and no , i don't make alot of set , the last requests i won were : a 500k request , a 400k request , a 300k request , and a FULL alpha imperial set request (full alpha was the reward)
so don't think i'm jealous of him or whatever ;)

Originally Posted by Pate5 View Post
Also, if you pm your offer, other people can't see what they have to 'win'.

hmm , if you are talking about the others who did an entry , this is none of their buisness , only the requester's opinion is important.
Last edited by gabiel; Mar 13, 2010 at 12:54 PM.
you should have posted them comments to each other with pm's, also I think you added to much white in my opinion pate :3
Out of nowhere, I arrive.
Very nice set Pate, also I'm kinda iffy about buying off gabiel, and gabiel, you know you aren't gonna win this if you don't even bother to color your set. -.-
Jesse, if I finish my set, do I have a chance?
Can't be arsed to do so otherwise..
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.