Well, when I was six or seven, I had a reaccuring dream that was VERY strange.

At the beginning of it, me and some of my friends from school were walking in what looked like a garden. We went down one path and found a creeper in red spandexs. He threatened us a bit, then threw a flower at us, and we ran. Then, we all went back to my house and took these foldable chairs, and hid behind them with eggs. Apparantly, he followed us back to our house. We threw as many eggs as we could at him, then he rolled on the ground crying. He was the creeper's twin brother, who was the 'good guy' and his brother was in the blimp or something. Then I woke up.

For whatever reason, that used to scare me.

Another short one from when I was 5 or 6, was that the dude from Phantom of the Opera wearing the mask was crawling in my air vents, and in the dream when I got up to use the bathroom, he would crawl out and attack me :o.

Yeah, im weird.
This dream was about 2 months ago.

I was alone on the hills and there was a silence. suddenly some creepy boogie began to walk towards me. I runned like hell and all suddenly he was next to me.
and he watched me for long time and i was watching back. Then my alarm clock rang and i was so happy it was just a dream

here's a photo of that boogie, and yea that boogie is from moomins children's program:
My Third weirdest dream was when I decided to walk out in the night. As I started to look around, I heard a weird mumbling in the night. As I looked around, I saw a Zombie. It didn't do anything, it just stared me with its cold, dead eyes. I wanted to run but I was hypnotised but those eyes. Then all of a sudden, it walked slowly towards me. And as soon it got near me, it said in a regular human voice, "Do you have any beer?". I was......not scared at all but when I said no, he chased me to a Pawn Shop and I found a Winchester and blow his brains out. But, he didn't die, his head was off, but he picked it up and said,"What the fuck, I was only trying to check your pockets for some money...". That quite weird o.o
Death to all who stand before me!
ClickMe My Business
My scariest dream was it felt like i woke and i scratched my arm and the skin started peeling into muscle and i for some reason kept scratching until i became a limp mass of blood and muscle. I think I watched poltergeist the night before.
I am a terrible person :(
This dream just happened to me last night. I made a goal just like how Uruguay did just today. I dribbled the ball right , kicked it, hit the post and went in. In the morning thats the exact way how Uruguay scored its second goal.

My weirdest was that I was being suffocated by someone's hand. Then I woke up before dying in my dream.
Purity Of Essence
i had a dream when i was in the garden killing ants then i relised i was a ginant and i killed loads of people D:
I just woke up from a dream where caterpillars were eating away at the car I was in. I don't remember much else, I never remember my dreams. But that's *got* to be one of the strangest I've ever had.