Its a course of meditation, look for it in google
Ok guys here is a new replay.
I see boom replays everywhere... so I wanted to make a cool replay with out booms, but with a lot of style.
(Dont get me wrong I do like booms)
Hope you guys like.
C&C would be appreciate.
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The opener had a somewhat weird spin and the two kicks to the upper torso weren't so good looking. You should have went for something that had more power.

Nice concept on the replay, overall it's pretty good I like it :]. Some of the hits were very nice but it's a pity not all of them were.
Wow, that spin before the last hit was awesome. Like Zalmoxis mentioned the hits were kind of awkward (that core was great though) and the opener looked rather strange to me. However, the killer flow you got there rocked my world. I think that's your strongest part of replay making.
[Sigma] [ORMO] [OLDA] [OSHI] [a]lly
Yeah thows body spins are just awesome, and that last spin kick flips was so cool!
The only thing I didnt like is the decap, it looks werd.
I did this replay for Opener chalenge 34.
I didnt won but i think its not very bad.
C&C would be appreciate.
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largekilla - Oc 34.rpl (363.0 KB, 114 views)
That first kick was very nice, a bit messy.
the rest is good, nice flow but that last kick did 2 dms it would be better with 3dms