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Minibash 0.9
We are beta testing a new flash game for the forum and iPhone.


Changes in 0.9:
- Tournament Mode (Menu / Start Tournament)
- New batch of sounds

Changes on 0.991: (November 19th, 2011)
- cleaner graphics
- more blood, a lot more blood
- you can play with the head after decapitating
- shows the opponents head ghost after a decap
- streak multiplier for credits (1st round 1*streak credits, 2nd round 2*streak etc)
- removed high scores (didn't make much sense)
- high light your name in the tournament list
- removed some backgrounds to make it load faster
- a bit of wobble to labels/buttons
- if you lose you can retry a challenge as many times as you won't and still advance in the tournament
- updates to the modding menu to make selection and resizing easier

The game is still under development, if you have suggestions for improvement post in this thread or join us on irc.toribash.com (/join #minibash)

When the game hits 1.0 I will probably reset the mods, challenges. I will not reset your user account (credits, gold, strength etc).

1.4 is out
Last edited by hampa; Aug 29, 2012 at 05:42 AM.
Actually there's a bug, i start playing, normally, then the torso color of my foe appears and i don't win the 10 credits when i win!
It's like i'm on a tournament
After every battle there is hint on the loading screen and I need to press every time continue, its getting kinda annoying especially that i could fight next round faster if not for "continue" button.
Its cool solution if you want to make sure everyone read the tips or if you decide to pair opponents in multilayer by random (It would work like ready button in those cases) but I dont really like the idea of pressing it every time b4 the match, currently there is no need for this button maybe only for new players so they can read the tips.
I tried to train reaction time and was informed that it was maxed out. I clicked out and the menu button disappeared and the play button stopped working. But the retry button stays, and it fixes when hit.

Something like that happened when I was making a challenge as well.
To many people Cheat, like Rainboweye, I for one didn't cheat with this mod, I just gave him a crooked hip so he can kick chest height.
On another note I love drawing on it xD
Ohh... You don't know what I mean.. Well if you make a elephant trunk lemme know



Last edited by souldevilj; Oct 5, 2011 at 09:59 PM.
Originally Posted by hampa View Post
We are beta testing a new flash game for the forum and iPhone.


Changes in 0.9:
- Tournament Mode (Menu / Start Tournament)
- New batch of sounds

Bug fixes:
- Fixed typos

- Fixed the stats label being stuck on screen (Hit ctrl-r and you should get the 0.91 version)

The game is still under development, if you have suggestions for improvement post in this thread or join us on irc.toribash.com (/join #minibash)

When the game hits 1.0 I will probably reset the mods, challenges. I will not reset your user account (credits, gold, strength etc).

nice hampa, now i can playing minibash with tournament mode
(o )
on the 0.93 the menu button disappears when you are creating a mod D:

and the stats of me don't show properly.
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