manus thats f'ing awesome, it looks like u where both drunk and then u sudenly got sober and did ninja moves tough..
Last edited by xXhodeb; Jun 22, 2012 at 09:22 PM.
i r bkzies
hi babes ! I'm requesting single ally.Why ? for fuck all the night like barbarians with you ;l.
French Froggy
what is your belt : Brown
why do you want to join: To get clan tag and to get respected
GMT: +5:30
how could you help us: In geting the clan rank higher and in
will you be loyal? (BE HONEST): Yes, as loyal as a dog (still I am a fox)
activity on thread (1-10): 7
activity ingame (1-10):10
activity IRC (1-10): 1
will you follow the clans rules: Yes,I will
age (fill if you want to you dont have to):12
Any bans or infractions?: Nope
2 replays(1sp 1multiplayer ): Can i give it later please
best and worst mods:Aikido bigdojo-Best mod
Jousting and twinsword-worst mod
Any past clans: Shade
Anyone you know from this clan: b3st3v3r
tell us about yourself:I am playing toribash for 6 month approx and i am now best in aikido bigdojo and you can find me online most of the time. And i play like a hell

Usercard :[/URL][/IMG]
Last edited by adityafox; Jun 27, 2012 at 01:24 PM.
lol nice job manus. It's great that a lot of you are still active in making replays, this is one of the things that I love about quantum

@adityafox, ur doing the usercard bit all wrong bro. just click on your achievements and copy/paste the link to your app.
Last edited by Downstem; Jun 22, 2012 at 11:09 PM.
"Patience means bearing the unbearable" Tomo VII - The Bushido code
i need a purple right hand flame iff enyone is selling one ill buy it when gett money
;) DJ out
IRC activity should be little higher and i don't think you'er best in aikido bigdojo, but you can count with a "yes" from me.

Originally Posted by adityafox View Post
what is your belt : Brown
why do you want to join: To get clan tag and to get respected
GMT: +5:30
how could you help us: In geting the clan rank higher and in
will you be loyal? (BE HONEST): Yes, as loyal as a dog (still I am a fox)
activity on thread (1-10): 7
activity ingame (1-10):10
activity IRC (1-10): 1
will you follow the clans rules: Yes,I will
age (fill if you want to you dont have to):12
Any bans or infractions?: Nope
your usercard: 2285357
2 replays(1sp 1multiplayer ): Can i give it later please
best and worst mods:Aikido bigdojo-Best mod
Jousting and twinsword-worst mod
Any past clans: Shade
Anyone you know from this clan: b3st3v3r
tell us about yourself:I am playing toribash for 6 month approx and i am now best in aikido bigdojo and you can find me online most of the time. And i play like a hell

I'm proud of who I am
manus i love it,

adityafox - me and yassir will talk

100dj - make a thread in the items forum

that is all, b3st
"Slaughter is the b3st medicine"
I just come here in the forum, and saw what everyone wrote to me.
I'm thrilled, I'm not kidding.
Thanks for everything guys, you really are amazing. I'll never disobey what I promised in my app, and what I always say: I'll always be loyal to Quantum and all members. JcpBoy, I'm very happy for your post about me, as I am so happy for the posts of others, will always be supporting you all, I will always be helping, I promise! Thanks again for everything you did for me today, I am forever grateful to all. And thanks especially to my big brother, Yassir. Thank you very much, Yass, for letting me be one of the co-leaders of this clan, I promise it will still be the best or one of the best clans that anyone may have ever seen!
And DeaThDan,
never underestimate someone for his age. ;)
I wonder if there is any way to subscribe an RSS here of forum. Well, I would stay more careful to your posts, Because I can not post a lot this week, I want to subscribe to an RSS to always be watching the forum at the right time, for updating the forum many times in the smartphone uses the internet a lot, and makes smartphone slow.
Last edited by Thanatos; Jun 23, 2012 at 05:32 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
[fl0w][Alpha][Catalyst][Submerge][Calamity][Swosh][Scourge][Colors][Neko][Miner][Kunt][deprav][Possesed][TMO-Leader][Proud Council member of TeamLenshu]
Laser, thats the worst reason ever >:|
manus your replays are unique and never seen anything like them, keep it up >:o
Also adityafox you have a very low activity on irc and you didnt give replays, no from me so far.
Mister no problem man, glad to see you happy and also deathdan hes right dont underistimate someone cause of his age, there are kids (9 - 8 ) who invent usfull things and stuff xD
Picasa yes your still banned from posting here!!
Last edited by yassir12; Jun 23, 2012 at 07:22 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump