Be careful thecrazy , youq might fall down and break your arm
Dim or frac xD
Poop poop poop shit shit piss pussy pear-shaped person peice of shit
finish all of this for 5 minutes


"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Originally Posted by Tricerafi View Post
finish all of this for 5 minutes


What the f***
Are those new versions of slender or what
Poop poop poop shit shit piss pussy pear-shaped person peice of shit
Originally Posted by OPedro View Post
Nice vid sir :>
Hey guys i was "Playing" in Photoshop then i realized to make a new head, but i didn't liked it :<
So feel free to use/edit and please CnC :>


I don't know if i'll try to make something with it.
Btw, PM me if you want the .PSD file.

Not a bad head, you have depth and stuff established, however the linework and directioning is pretty sloppy.
You should be working on trying to make everything flow into the focal point aka everything should be leading the eye to look back at your visor, like this.

You also need to establish a more solid light source. Where exactly is the light coming from thats making you create these shadows and highlights(imo, your light source should be above anything else would look silly on a sphere) like this.

You should all look into some tutorials on values and contrast, it'll help you alot more than you realise.

EDIT: Here, I made this nifty little .gif to show you the difference in the way the lighting should be.
Last edited by Fivah; Oct 29, 2012 at 10:19 AM.
Back for good.
Ah, thank you so much Fivah, i'll try all these tips next time i made a head ^-^'
I also finished my set:


Its pretty simple, but i liked it c:
CnC is really apreciated.
Name: Look left


Interests: Banner making.
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