Originally Posted by kakajade View Post
Nice , why is everybody pro in art except me ? ;_;

lol xD I'm not even close to pro .__. But I've liked to draw for I while now and I really like the manga style :3 If you want to be better at drawing just studdy other peoples style and see what you like ;) after that it's just to do a lot of drawing
Originally Posted by Apexxx View Post
lol xD I'm not even close to pro .__. But I've liked to draw for I while now and I really like the manga style :3 If you want to be better at drawing just studdy other peoples style and see what you like ;) after that it's just to do a lot of drawing

Draw something like that, but with an excited smile for me.

Tried to draw something...random...
no idea what it's supposed to be or why did I do this, but oh well.


art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
What. Why would I...
I don't even...
how could you even...
I already said it was a random something I did without even thinking about anything.
And I don't like mlp. Mostly majority of its fans, though.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc