[Avatar/Siggy/Banners/anything other] Head
[Details] Robotic head
[Colors] something with Imperal, Black and Dark gray
[Size] 512x512
[Anything else] simple cool, AWESOME!
[Type of quality] Best quality
[Payment] 800 tc but 900 tc depending on how well made

this signature has nothing that appeals to you.
I'm not sure that i understand what do you want.
Can you make fast sketch in paint?

Monkey, not intrested sorry.
Ho-ho! Ha-ha!
[Details]: Monk head, blood dripping from his mouth, he has stubble, a black eye at the left.
[Colors]: Caucasian.
[Size]: 512x512
[Anything else] : His eyes are green
[Type of quality] D
[Payment]: Tyrian Force
Originally Posted by Snow View Post
I'm not sure that i understand what do you want.
Can you make fast sketch in paint?

Do you mean me?
okay so my computer is kinda suck so i try to explain it so i'm meaning that i want a avatar what is a force like my name is in down in left corner(and text is "lozker force") and the red black(like the second place is black and the force's color is red) and the force is in the middle did you understood?
[Details] Hello, i wanted a gold head like that(but not orange i want it gold.)

[Colors] Gold and gray
[Size] 256X256
[Anything else] I want an head in the style of the head of largekilla, i don't know how this style is called :/.
[Type of quality] High.
[Payment] 4k tc
man if i saw this thread before i spent my 56k!!!!!
free head ;l
Last edited by lDayl; Dec 27, 2013 at 08:18 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump