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Public Tourneys - Discussion & Suggestions
<-- hehe banned

Mod: erthtkv2.tbm

Belt restriction: 100 qi - 499 qi
Min players to start the tourney: 5
Prize: 500 TC
Knockout interval: 5 minutes

Belt restriction: 500 qi - 1999 qi
Min players to start the tourney: 5
Prize: 750 TC
Knockout interval: 7 minutes

Belt restriction: 1000 qi - 2999 qi
Min players to start the tourney: 6
Prize: 1250 TC
Knockout interval: 10 minutes

Belt restriction: 3000 qi - 5999 qi
Min players to start the tourney: 6
Prize: 2500 TC
Knockout interval: 15 minutes


Belt restriction: 5000 qi - unlimited
Min players to start the tourney: 6
Prize: 5000 TC
Knockout interval: 20 minutes

no-qi tourneys
Min players to start the tourney: 5
Prize: 500 TC
Knockout interval: 10 minutes
mod: lenshu3ng.tbm
mod: judo.tbm
mod: boxshu_mushu_v3.tbm

You can have influence on what mods are played by sending me propositions, list of at least three mods you'd like to see on tourneys.

Last edited by Scorpio; Feb 26, 2015 at 11:30 AM.
A hasbeen like the rest
This is a great system and all but what about the other mods such as the judo tourney or tplmod tourney. Unless you guys plan on implementing more tourney rooms (one for each belt category) I can't really see this going well. Yeah a lot of people like abd but remember. there still is quite a lot of people who don't.
Life's not a waste of time and time's not a waste of life so let's stop wasting time, get wasted and have the time of our lives - Mr Worldwide 3:18
Originally Posted by Avatar View Post
Why do we have to wait so long between the 5th dan-9th dan tourneys?

so that they don't break the market
Originally Posted by RedPanda View Post
This is a great system and all but what about the other mods such as the judo tourney or tplmod tourney. Unless you guys plan on implementing more tourney rooms (one for each belt category) I can't really see this going well. Yeah a lot of people like abd but remember. there still is quite a lot of people who don't.

the mods are going to be cycled through every week. but probably should be shorter than that
tplmod tourney was so ridiculous, I'm not sure I ever saw it start. Matches took about 30 minutes each. By which time, most people queuing had killed themselves due to immense boredom.
<the god> the god
<@Smilies2> modding tiem

Originally Posted by ClockworkMonkey View Post
tplmod tourney was so ridiculous, I'm not sure I ever saw it start. Matches took about 30 minutes each. By which time, most people queuing had killed themselves due to immense boredom.

That's inaccurate. I played and completed about 5 or 6 of those tourneys a day. it was an amazing mod and sure it took a long time to play but it just shows how long people can hold out with skill..
That's the thing, it really didn't take much skill at all. I would literally give up and dq myself because it was so boring. 1500 mf and tiny tf, really not appropriate for a tourney.
<the god> the god
<@Smilies2> modding tiem

Originally Posted by ClockworkMonkey View Post
That's the thing, it really didn't take much skill at all. I would literally give up and dq myself because it was so boring. 1500 mf and tiny tf, really not appropriate for a tourney.

That depends on your interest, if you kept giving up and DQ'ing yourself why would you continue to join and try again and do so. Those of us who liked the mod stuck to it/with it. Those who didn't moved on. It was a fun tourney and was getting quite popular before the tourneys changed..
Originally Posted by RussD3x View Post
That depends on your interest, if you kept giving up and DQ'ing yourself why would you continue to join and try again and do so. Those of us who liked the mod stuck to it/with it. Those who didn't moved on. It was a fun tourney and was getting quite popular before the tourneys changed..

Honestly, it was empty every time I checked, at best maybe 2 or 3 players in it. I think you're stretching the truth quite a bit if you're claiming it was popular.
<the god> the god
<@Smilies2> modding tiem