View Poll Results: Do you think Burke will be a legend one day?
Hes duh most MLGest persun evr, Of cors he will
9,223,372,036,854,775,808 Votes / 100.00%
Yeh i guess
0 Votes / 0%
3 Votes / 0.00%
Nu, hes a nub lol
2 Votes / 0.00%
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rip cnc

dont expect people to cnc every wip son
and look at yourself, you got better at tricking
its just flawless
one thing is not using your arms for flow moves and not going to low for more realistic
b-kick looked nice
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
Redone version of my last selfspar since i didnt really work on both of them at the best of my capabilty
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Some parts you were a bit slow, next time pick up your speed at those parts.
At the end there was a little twitch.
Other than that good job
Former [AS] Co-Leader (Two times), Former [eVo] member, Current [TANG] member <3
In the opener the left leg was a bit glitchy in one of the bouts, the spins and kicks overall were nice, in the ko you got a bit too close but the knee to the chest was nice. Also you relaxed your neck for a while in one of your bouts, try avoiding that
Another Collab with Bquad, didnt really feel like i tried my absolute best on this because we didnt spend as much time on this one as the other
The frames we did are the following:
Burke 500 - 400
Bquad 400 - 345
Burke 345 - 0
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New madman, tried a different style this time
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#BurkeMadman - Vengeance .rpl (329.6 KB, 16 views)

opener started off nice, but it got too relaxed and you were flopping all over the place after. The way you lifted yourself was very fluid either

the poec dm was okay, but the grab made it look bad imo

the elbow dm looked like you got it on accident, but the hip dm was nice

boom hit was sick af doe, do more of that stuff lmao

I was disappointed the last kick didnt get a dm
invite me to your clan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
another Madman
Might redo this just so i can polish it and make it look better overall
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