Sorry Hours, I got so fucking much chocolate if I ate it all I would get aids.

About that replay, I didn't really like the first kick since it looked pretty weak.
Still great though.
First kick was just odd...
Backhandslap boom was pretty weird as well, good aim though.
Second boom and pose was awesome!

Dis shit.
Attached Files
Jisse - Ignoratum.rpl (486.8 KB, 8 views)
I knew it!
You are SWEXxELITE's second account!

No, but seriously, stop being such a freaking pro.
How do you stop, it's like.. Pr0ness take's over... (See wut i did dere.. I used pr0nes name to describe pro ;o)
I spoke to some members of Q about me leaving this clan. I feel like we're getting nowhere due to inactiveness. Me and Hours is the only ones posting here nowadays and it makes me abit sad.
Jace has been off for 2 days. I guess you can call me to active.
I have nothing against you guys personally and I will not stop posting here. I'll stay as an ally. I'm giving my co-leader spot to Hours. Who I trust and I know for sure will help this clan more than I can.
Thanks for the time, Bye.
Bye Zeto. <3

And well... I dont post so much as i just want to prevent spam.
Stilll have checked this very often. ;)
Last edited by Zapekk; Nov 17, 2012 at 01:05 AM.

It's sad to see you leave Calle. But clans are just a tag on your name. No matter what the tag is, we will still be a family. <3