Lol I guess he does but the worst death I have seen is when kratos beats hercules.
I have items you have TC- Lets Haggle..... |TMA|PSY|TNT|AU|
Originally Posted by Romanovsky View Post
PS3. Spent 45 minutes looking for the entrance of the 'rivet city' carrier. Sustaining 500 Rads while swimming around looking for the damned door. I just realized the thirsty asshole was distracting you from the intercom. So I set him on fire.

I know that was an ass of a mission. After 20 min I got pissed and googled it. I didn't like wasting all my rad-away for just that.
Sup roman!

I was wondering if you can take off my name of the leaf dojo =)
since I never actually took a class xDD

btw where are you ingame??
never saw you again...

well thanks!

take care! =)

Chuck Norris, Vin Diesel, and Mr T all died and went to heaven. There, God was sitting in his throne. The men noticed there was another throne next to him. God then told them that one of them could rule with him, if he proved himself worthy. "I taught kids to be themselves", said Mr. T. "I taught about the dangers of drugs and alcohol." said Vin Diesel. When it was his turn, Chuck Norris calmly asked God, "What are you doing in my seat?"
Originally Posted by Romanovsky View Post
Chuck Norris, Vin Diesel, and Mr T all died and went to heaven. There, God was sitting in his throne. The men noticed there was another throne next to him. God then told them that one of them could rule with him, if he proved himself worthy. "I taught kids to be themselves", said Mr. T. "I taught about the dangers of drugs and alcohol." said Vin Diesel. When it was his turn, Chuck Norris calmly asked God, "What are you doing in my seat?"

Originally Posted by 8OJ4N View Post
I didn't know this one.

Bojan you owe me new pants. After I saw your last event plan I jizzed :/

You come up with the best events haha. Why aren't you a clan admin already?