Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Hi! i'm xzasdeded, this organization sparked my interest a couple of times when i met some of your members ingame mentioning about this organization, and i had been obsessively stalking for the last week or so.
this organization seem to have a wide variety of contents in it and so i decided to chuck in an app since i would also like to contribute in things that i have skills in even though not the best.
my skills and interests include texture making and replay making, which i will show examples just after this, i can give cncs properly since some wise guy told me how to, i hope to be able to contribute in my area of interests and expecting feedback for my work as well.
examples of my work:

replays should be attached down below
IRC name: i usually go by "xzas" in vibe's irc and i use an irc program
Steam username: Lazy Ass Person(i haven't bought anything yet so that should explain my level)
skype name: maizena151
Attached Files
!!SDxxx- Did Drugs.rpl (108.2 KB, 6 views)
!!SDxxx- How.rpl (148.7 KB, 5 views)
!!Mxxx- Cheesus.rpl (198.4 KB, 6 views)
Yes from me

Love post a reason man
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Hi! I would love to say I'm a newby, but I'm not :-) --- I am a pretty good artist (known as NiteNite or Beansprout), and I enjoy the Toribash community.
I feel that as long as I continue to make art and do what I do, my abilities will continue to grow as well.

By joining Oshi, I will be able to hang with other experienced and highly talented individuals and hopefully learn a thing or two on the way.
As for publicity...that wouldn't be so bad either.

Oh. Replays. Yeah...thanks to making new accounts and starting a clean slate, I have no replays whatsoever, though I can supply some whenever.


Let's get down to business. Here is some art I make. I am primarily a head-texture maker so:


The heads below begin from oldest to newest...


And finally, unfinished/abandoned projects...


Anything that isn't watermarked (other then unfinished work) is free.


Skype: nothingmuch4me
Last edited by FruitCandy; Jan 9, 2016 at 05:48 AM.