Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Lolitaman View Post
AP poppy is better than the regular trinity force and etc
her devastating blow will hit for over 1k and with a cd less than 2 sec

Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
omfg omfg omfg omfg omfg. I just got 4 pretty sweet AP gear with Poppy and I could hit 1000!
Also the amazing thing about her is, you could have say 1/5 hp, and go up to someone with full hp, you can knock them to 1/4before they manage to kill you! xD

Congratulations, you can still hit 1k with devestating blow (I've hit a 1.7k on a mf before, didnt get the screenshot though) with your ult + trinity force/inf edge, and then you can do more damage afterwards! I've mained poppy for a decent amount of time, tried out both, and ad just seems to have a lot more use late game. But that's just my opinion

But if you are building ap: deathfire, lich bane, deathcap is the only way to go, and most ap poppies start out with a couple philo stones because they need a lot of early game farm to be useful.
Last edited by Megadoomer; Feb 17, 2011 at 10:18 PM.
lol, i got lichbane, ryvials staff or something like that and oh god i cant remember but i had 190 extra Ap with the gear and I got nice passive bonuses, you mind listing all the gear which is good for Poppy what I should get from start to end game?
Well if you're going ap, the only build is:

(build sheen first)
Deathfire Grasp
Lich Bane
whatever you want

you can buy philosophers stones in between to keep you in the lane and give you some extra cash, sell them later for more stuff

for ad popppy
Sheen into Trinity Force
Infinity Edge
Youmoo's ghostblade
anything you want (I usually go something with lifesteal or just some survivability)

Also for runes, go magic pen reds, mana regen yellows, cdr blues, and whatever quints, and that works for all builds (unless you're some fucked up tank)
[QUOTE=Megadoomer;3634536]Well if you're going ap, the only build is:

(build sheen first)
Deathfire Grasp
Lich Bane
whatever you want

you can buy philosophers stones in between to keep you in the lane and give you some extra cash, sell them later for more stuff

for ad popppy
Sheen into Trinity Force
Infinity Edge
Youmoo's ghostblade
anything you want (I usually go something with lifesteal or just some survivability)

Also for runes, go magic pen reds, mana regen yellows, cdr blues, and whatever quints, and that works for all builds (unless you're some fucked up tank)[/QUO
So i wont need to buy anything else like HP its just them? I might have a game and try it out
Nah, you dont really need survivability on poppy if you know what you're doing, other than health quints for early game (unless you got magic pen or flat ap)
Originally Posted by Boonana View Post
Sorry can't. I'm about to walk my dogs which should take about 20 minutes. After that I'm gonna be playing a bit. Just friend me.

Also Hamster, What runes do you use for fiddle sticks?

Flat CDR blues, flat armor yellows, magic pen reds, flat HP quints. Doran's ring for jungle.
I just finished playing a few games with ryze and he is FUCKING BEASTLY.

Mana is better than AP on him. I'm serious.

You can actually buy MANAMUNE on Ryze and it's fine, because you don't need the AP from archangel's staff as much as you want the cheap mana from manamune.

Plus, the only CDR you need to buy on him is Ionian boots, and he hits 40%, because with masteries, flat CDR blues, and the new passive on his Q, all he needs is the boots for 40%.

After you have manamune or archangels, just stack Rod of Ages, and watch as your 15% lifesteal from your ult brings you back to full 3.5k+ HP during a teamfight while you spam the shit out of your abilities.

Ryze is OP, play him while he is.
Last edited by Hamster; Feb 18, 2011 at 08:09 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
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Originally Posted by Hamster View Post
Flat CDR blues, flat armor yellows, magic pen reds, flat HP quints. Doran's ring for jungle.
I just finished playing a few games with ryze and he is FUCKING BEASTLY.

Mana is better than AP on him. I'm serious.

You can actually buy MANAMUNE on Ryze and it's fine, because you don't need the AP from archangel's staff as much as you want the cheap mana from manamune.

Plus, the only CDR you need to buy on him is Ionian boots, and he hits 40%, because with masteries, flat CDR blues, and the new passive on his Q, all he needs is the boots for 40%.

After you have manamune or archangels, just stack Rod of Ages, and watch as your 15% lifesteal from your ult brings you back to full 3.5k+ HP during a teamfight while you spam the shit out of your abilities.

Ryze is OP, play him while he is.

I tend to go Tear of the Goddess first (for obvious reasons), then a Rod of Ages, Glacial Shroud, Void Staff, Sorc Shoes and then finish Archangel's Staff
Tear(manamune/aa), Rod of ages, frozen heart, banshee's makes ryze a tanky beast that can still crank out the damage
I have recently fell in love with xin and dr mundo, but most of the time I just random champions.

Great fun.