Aweome draw Anubis! i just loved
But where do we go; When our eyes catch fire by satellite; How do we know; That this love won't hurt like cyanide
Originally Posted by Anubis View Post

What do you think?
Somebody from a title for this drawing ...

That's Very nice!
And I got a title for it :o

Reflected Menace :o
>:O Nice anubis, well, who can do me a Right bicep texture that say's PSY and background maya also a good trail texture too i will pay but i only have 1.6k ;_;
ToriPrime ;P
Click my egg or it will eat you >:O
Originally Posted by ShadowGS View Post
>:O Nice anubis, well, who can do me a Right bicep texture that say's PSY and background maya also a good trail texture too i will pay but i only have 1.6k ;_;

I can do it. What colors do you want it?
Thanks guys, I think I'll wait for the change the clan name. When changing I think I'll try to make a ground and bicips to clan (for members to use it or nearly so).
This is just my opinion
Originally Posted by Anubis View Post

What do you think?
Somebody from a title for this drawing ...

Nice bro, very nice. ;o
My title: "Sides" , or "Evryone've got two sides". ;o
yeap i think the same as anu cuz it can be someting stupid if we change the clan name..and he make the tricep and ground ;o yep its better wait =D
hEy why ArE yoU loOk mE ???
Yes Felipevi, if I remember well, Mc did a bicep.
But where do we go; When our eyes catch fire by satellite; How do we know; That this love won't hurt like cyanide