You force my hand to come here, well I was gonna tell you that I may have a tourney and you guys can come and be the first to know.
Thanks for the info, hippy...
Calmdown, thanks for the invite.. I'll go for sure.
Glow... You need to add Kuttle's in the member list and update some stuff in the 1st post.
Me... i'll go do some sp stuff... I'll post later.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
Ah okay, I just was able to get on and thanks for reminding me HaYZ
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.

Now we gotta organize everything in threads right?
Last edited by Kuttle; Jul 31, 2010 at 11:09 PM.
So yeah, guys...
After some time, we finally reached the official status. :3
Now... let's leave the Dsc and pass to the C3 Forum..
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
Name: Devin
Age: 14

Playercard: O.o
Why I want to join: bunch of my friends are in C3
Why I think you will accept me: Kuttle invited me and im friends with most of the members
Age: 13
Why I want to join: i really enjoy hanging out with C3 members and they all respect me
Why I think you will accept me:i got officially invited from glowing
7th dan black belt