Lmao yes yes ; ) so we are going to be looking at wars this week,(Maybe Tuesday) we will be awarding top war winners with Tc prizes. Will make an announcement and the link for the event. As we no longer have a board we may have to hold events somewhere else or here.
This will be trail run for one week.
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White
What's up fellas getting this daily post in. Currently it's 2:40 AM. i've been drinking and smoking all day. I just closed my Toribash app and am sitting here eating spicy nacho doritos with a liter of orange juice. (pulp) while watching a documentary on the religion of Scientology. Goodbye.
Future Swede/WAPOW Co-Leader
Sounds like a night. jut no nose cAndies
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White
Yep I'll send you that later today pm me for it or dube

Also my little cousin. Who played this months ago might apply for wapow he is really nice ;)

Tbh in probably just gonna accept. Cause I'm being a biased bitch
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White
no no no. he will probably talk with everyone first.
but none the less. Lets get a war going soon
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White