Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post
Uhm, when i saved it as the correct format, but it said that it couldnt handle layers. what do i do? =O

Save it as a .png, making sure you flatten layers as you do so, and then upload it to the converter site, then upload the .TGA you get. Pretty foolproof.
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."
Here's the way to save texture in correct format in Photoshop.
I use CS3 version and don't know how it works in other versions or not.
1. Select from main menu "File - Save As";
2. Select format "Targa";
3. In Targa options window select "24 bits/pixel" and leave "Compress" option unchecked;
4. Press "Ok".
Then upload texture as usual
/ Eternal Freedom ^^ /
[HighQualityHeadShop: Part#1][Part#2] >[Part#3]< new!
E> The supplied TGA is not a true colour image.

tga_header Object
[id_length] => 137
[map_type] => 80
[image_type] => 78
[color_map_entry_index] => 3399
[color_map_length] => 6666
[color_map_entry_size] => 10
[image_origin_x] => 0
[image_origin_y] => 3328
[image_width] => 18505
[image_height] => 21060
[image_depth] => 0
[image_flip_height] => 0
[image_flip_width] => 0
[image_alpha_channel] => 0000
errr waht the heck does this mean??
Deadsy: the day i have Wendy's the first time, is the day the weather goes apeshit
Grimes: Inb4 Al Gore gets a UN resolution banning you from Wendy's.
That means that you have to save the file as RGB rather than Grayscale.
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."
No, that means he made a colour-mapped image instead of a true colour image. The converter cannot open colour-mapped images because I couldn't be bothered to code a reader for them. Use a true colour tga and you wont have any problems. OR, just upload a png to the converter.
I has a flavour
No but you need to buy a head texture for 20k but check events for a free one in the stickies