LINKS to sets/artpieces/concepts :

Heads in progress


Any previous run-ins with the law :
1 infraction for bumping without enough reasons.

Orgs that you belong in/ Orgs you plan to be joining :
Tmj, animeorg, csorg.

Your specialities :
Photoshop (texture sets) and moviemaking.
1 year of photoshop, 3 years with vegas, 2 years with c4d.
(Robotic/semi abstract drawing)
Last edited by Ezeth; Jul 1, 2009 at 09:28 AM.
hmm, you might want to try make more "mature" sets
simpler designs, less outlines
all your sets have the same structure on the legs, small design on front and back, big design on sides

http://i694.photobucket.com/albums/v...dasdasdasd.jpg - head has potential, atm its just way overdone - hands, dont always need to have fingers - feet, keep away from designs on the side, untill you figure out how the edges mesh together

http://i694.photobucket.com/albums/v...ntitled-12.jpg - head would look awesome if it was simpler, that radioactive colour design on the front is awesome, but all the other stuff going on kills it... if u did something like drakhir was doing in the gynx request it would look sick, radioactive design that iw as talking about with just a plain background - rest of the set doesnt match anything, a jumble of textures

http://i694.photobucket.com/albums/v...ntitled-16.jpg - your most "mature" of the lot, but still not quite there - you havnt offset the biceps - head, the smile thing with the mouth is just...

youre almost there guy, keep practising, try simpler/more stylistic stuff
Last edited by BenDover; Jul 1, 2009 at 04:50 PM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Here I am again. I didn't create a multicolored robotic set, but I created one in a different style, since i don't like my normal robo-style not much anymore.

I hope this can be a solution for your task BenDover.

''The second industrial revolution has yet to be fully experienced by 17% of the world as nearly 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.''
Links to arts:
Lucaspms's avatar >sorry for dont put the links, lol
Guinomu's avatar >same as above
Smooziee texture set 90%(waiting his aprovarion, after this, i will ask him some screenshots)

Previous run-ins with law:

I work with photoshop and gimp, and i can do almost every type of job, but i think i cant do those robotic things and realistic heads, are too hard :3
My infractions:
0 point(s) total
Post / Reason Date / Posted By Points / Expires

How much does an...
Reason: Useless Post
05-28-2009 06:05 PM by Novitech 0 / Expired

Reason: Useless Post
05-12-2009 10:15 PM by hanz0 0 / Expired

Hollow Ichigo Head
Reason: Ignoring rules
03-24-2009 03:21 PM by Ishi 2 / Expired (Forgot Tag)

My Org: Olda.
Things you stand out in: Diversity, I'm pretty good at everything.

Heres a link to my latest. The set will follow soon.
If you need to see more work ill post more links.

Thanks a bunch ;)
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Infractions: 0 points total

[SHOP] Moocow1994's... 07-09-2009
03:51 PM Expired 2 Ignoring rules (updated shop, then bumped it about 6 hours later)

[REQ] 50k avatar 07-01-2009
01:19 PM Expired 2 Ignoring rules (I forget)

epic void-tox set!!! 06-27-2009
07:07 AM Expired 2 Ignoring rules (early bump)

[Auction] White/Blue... 06-22-2009
09:03 AM Expired 2 Ignoring rules (useless compliment on a set)

[REQ] Black and White... 06-05-2009
12:18 AM Expired 2 Useless Post (when i first got on the forums)

no more infractions for me now that im used to the forums tho


my most recent set: http://i29.tinypic.com/2h3r9qq.jpg

A WIP: http://i26.tinypic.com/33agxat.jpg

Orgs: TMJ and [darkness]

my specialties are robotics and trail textures


I am desperately trying to expand my styles and I don't expect to get in here until I do, but I though it was worth a shot.
Infractions-Lets see I have a total of 13 infraction points mostly for useless posting. I try to be careful when I post now so no worries.

Art- I do indie art for myself that in my opinion is pretty good. The pic is at the bottom.

Org's- I tried to start an org called "Dillon's fight school" I teach people to play or help them with their tk technique if and when they need it for free. Now I'm in Parrot. I was in DAT and i tried to revive Bloodstained when i was a a junior member but it didn't work out well. Anyways thats all, and I hope you consider me.
Attached Images
screenshot-16-23-20-01.jpg (10.5 KB, 19 views)
Last edited by dillon207; Aug 1, 2009 at 11:55 PM.
Rogue clown
ezeth: probably the best chance at getting in out of the recent applicants, definatly the most active/experienced. but i still think you need some refining and simplifying...
your work is very "sketch" based, which comes across as quite an immature style, but with refining, could become quite good.

liveevil: sorry, no.

alphasonik: meh, one example, not the greatest application... as far as your art goes, mediocre, but the same thing as ezeth, could be quite nice, you work in the same style (albeit simpler and not on the same level) as darkjak
would be a no for you aswell

mooman: one of the better applications, you work in the same style as most of the other new artists, so its generic and unimpressive. even if it is slightly better than others who work in it...

dillon: texture mob. not indie art mob... read and make a proper application if u want to be taken seriously...

PEOPLE, TTM is trying to uphold a standard of textures high above the norm. if u want to be taken seriously and impress us, show us examples which would be on par with the top texturers. if u thinkk youre the best at what you do, then youre welcome to apply, if you think that youre just good, then dont bother.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-