Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Activity check and Legendary clans news
Good morning to all of you,

Today's news have been in discussion for quite a while among the clan staff team, and today they can finally be announced to the public.

What exactly is the news?

We have 2 major news points.

Thank you all for reading, if you have any questions or objections feel free to point them out in this thread, cheers.
Last edited by duck; Jul 22, 2018 at 08:20 PM.
right now i am really confused,but i think
what i proposed stands,can you a least have
someone else to check on it?

A clan has x members. We divide by 2, we get y.
We take y members, multiply by 5 games, we get z games.
We divide z by xx number of active members

where xx would be

Active players are players who have played 5+ games in a month's time
Originally Posted by nikosefs View Post
right now i am really confused,but i think
what i proposed stands,can you a least have
someone else to check on it?

A clan has x members. We divide by 2, we get y.
We take y members, multiply by 5 games, we get z games.
We divide z by xx number of active members

where xx would be

Active players are players who have played 5+ games in a month's time


14 members, we divide by 2, we get 7
we take 7 members, multiply by 5 games, we get 35 games
We divide 35 by xx number of active members

where xx would be

Active players who have played 5+ games in a month's time.

If AM (active member) is a player with, at minimum, 5 games, then that means we need to divide the 35 we got with the 5 we need to make a player AM.

In other words, to get to 35 games played, we need 7 AMs (7 Active Members x 5 games played = 35 games played)

So in the end, we needed 7 members to be active with your math. The same amount of players we got when we divided by two.
Originally Posted by duck View Post

14 members, we divide by 2, we get 7
we take 7 members, multiply by 5 games, we get 35 games
We divide 35 by xx number of active members

where xx would be

Active players who have played 5+ games in a month's time.

If AM (active member) is a player with, at minimum, 5 games, then that means we need to divide the 35 we got with the 5 we need to make a player AM.

In other words, to get to 35 games played, we need 7 AMs (7 Active Members x 5 games played = 35 games played)

So in the end, we needed 7 members to be active with your math. The same amount of players we got when we divided by two.

the bolded part is wrong,you dont divide there by 5 games,you divide
by the number of players that played that 5 games,where that number of players is the xx of the month's activity
Originally Posted by nikosefs View Post
the bolded part is wrong,you dont divide there by 5 games,you divide
by the number of players that played that 5 games,where that number of players is the xx of the month's activity

We need 7 members who have played 5 games to get 35 games played.
7 players is the minimum of players needed to pass the check with your math.
If only 6 players played 5 games, it would get 30, so it wouldn't pass
If 8 players played 5 games, it would get 40, so it would pass
7 is the minimum

7 is also the minimum with our math
14 members, we divide by 2, we get 7
we take 7 members, multiply by 5 games, we get 35 games
We divide 35 by xx number of active members

you got 7 because you divided by 2 to find the 50% of a clan's roster,
7 is a variable
Originally Posted by nikosefs View Post
14 members, we divide by 2, we get 7
we take 7 members, multiply by 5 games, we get 35 games
We divide 35 by xx number of active members

you got 7 because you divided by 2 to find the 50% of a clan's roster,
7 is a variable

but no matter what numbers you input, it works the same.

Here you go, try these:


And do you know why? Because no matter what, you are multiplying by 5 and dividing by 5 right after eachother (to get the minimum amount of active players needed), which means you just go back to the first division. This is elementary school level math.
Originally Posted by nikosefs View Post
dude again,you don't divide by 5 in the end,you divide
by the number of the active players

An Active Member is a player who has played 5 games
A clan that has x members needs 5(x/2) games to be played

Games needed to be played / Active Member's games played = Half of the clan's members
5(x/2) / 5 = x/2

Even simpler:
A city has 30 workers (a clan has 30 members)
The city divides these workers by 2, giving us 15 workers (a clan divides those members by 2, giving us 15 members)
The city needs 75 houses built (a clan needs 75 games to be played)
A hired worker can build 5 houses (an active member has 5 games played)
The city has to hire at least 15 workers, because if each of the worker's makes 15 houses, we have exactly 75 houses (the clan needs at least 15 active members because if each of those members plays 5 games, we have exactly 75 games played)

So in the end, the city divided it's workers into two, giving us 15, and they also had to hire 15
So in the end, the clan divided it's members into two, giving us 15, and they also had to have 15 active members
so if out of 30 members,5 members play 100 or 200 or
any number of games,will it not matter?

should these 5 members just play 5 games each and
call it a day?
Originally Posted by nikosefs View Post
so if out of 30 members,5 members play 100 or 200 or
any number of games,will it not matter?

should these 5 members just play 5 games each and
call it a day?

Did you mean 15?