Name:Thunder(call me alan pls)
Best Mod:Judo
Why should we let you join the Klan Opposition:i know how to play in judo,im active in game and forums
Any special skills that can be useful to the clan:im kinda good in photoshop
How active are you ingame and on the forums:well at the moment,this account is new thats why i only have like 100 posts
Previous clans:Latin
How do you feel about the current clans/ What do you think of the current clans?Some of them sucks lol
I know alan is good, I remember playing him in B-belt judo on his old account.

He gets a yes from me.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
Name: inksqagen
Belt: brown
Best Mod: classic
Why should we let you join the Klan Opposition: i REALLY want to join because no other clans let me join them because they need me to be "black belt or up" or "request only".
Any special skills that can be useful to the clan: (making textures or avatars or something)i dont have a special skills
How active are you ingame and on the forums. i am on forums about 30 mins.
Previous clans: ToriKings (theyre ded)
How do you feel about the current clans/ What do you think of the current clans? i think that they shouldnt have belt restrictions, so im pissed at them, KO does not have restrictions so i think it is the COOLEST clan
Post at least one good replay of you in your best mod, and 2 replays of you in any mods

post that many smileys again, and ill make sure you get infracted for smiley spam. ~Gum
Last edited by Gum; May 2, 2009 at 02:47 AM.
inksquagen: You need to use less smilies.
And if we consider you, you might have to be a little more active on forums(only 30 min on forums?)