I'm going to go ahead and say no to all. I really don't give a shit about recruitment right now and yeah. But I will speak my mind at least.

MrCIA: Okay. Wow. I think you might need some help with anger problems. Horde being defined as nice is only when we are in a nice calm war. And we're winning. (Of course)
I also felt you talked about your "Skill" too much. You should really only do that when you're in the clan. And you're also down-talking other clans. When it's in an application, it makes you seem self centered.

Jabwhoever: What? Ab ripping? What? Is that suppose to say that you're a really fit guy? Because it tells me you're self centered. Like me.
Yeah Horde hates Crooks too. But probably in a different way, I think. I'll go read their clan page and decide if I hate them too.

MOGhost & MrCIA: Hahahaha. If Eatoon left me. And I had no friends I could trust with my life to be active and a good leader. I'd choose Note. Yeah people hate him a lot. But he's still a good friend.

I wrote this on page 11. Oops. Anyways, never question Eatoon, Yoshi. He's 99.9% wrong 75% of the time.
Last edited by Black; Jul 8, 2014 at 02:39 AM.
Hello my name is Kyle (Aomine200) I am age 12 and I would like to join Horde. Im currently a blue belt and I am active almost everyday. I would like to join this clan because I want an active clan and to help this clan be the best. I am a respectful person. I currently have no alts this is my only account.
The mod i mostly play Aikido and twinswords.
My win ratio is 52%.
I live in California.
I have no past clans.

Edit 2
About me:
My favorite hobbies are playing basketball and football (not the soccer one.)
Next year im going into middle school

Edit 3
I'll benefit you with my skill level and my activeness on Toribash

About me#2:
I am an honor roll student
I have 6 siblings
My parents are divorced
I am Asian
I am very persistent
I am a calm guy
I have a step mom
My favorite color is black
Last edited by Aomine200; Jul 11, 2014 at 07:52 AM.
Originally Posted by Aomine200 View Post
Hello my name is Aomine200, I would like to join Horde. Im currently a blue belt and I am active almost everyday. I would like to join this clan because I want an active clan and to help this clan be the best. I am a respectful person. I currently have no alts this is my only account.
The mod i mostly play Aikido and twinswords.

goodbye cruel world
Aomine200 thats a no from me. you barely even described you're self. try again :l
or anything about you're life ;3;
Last edited by yoshiman60; Jul 10, 2014 at 01:25 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

Channel - ok
ok hi my name is ryan. I am 14 years old. ingame name is ryanw99. My favorite mod is definatly akidobigdojo. I love toribash (my dad calls me an addict). Im skilled at toribash and am a friendly player. Im pretty active if I had to go 1-10 id say 7. I like to host betting lobbys I don't know why I just have fun doing them. I also bet a lot most of the times I get profit. I could donate to clan anytime. I am loyal to my clan and will not betray anyone. Ok thanks for looking and have a goodnight.
I suck at this game in case you were wondering