Life's not a waste of time and time's not a waste of life so let's stop wasting time, get wasted and have the time of our lives - Mr Worldwide 3:18
We won the first round, 11-4.

Here is a list of members who played and how many games they played.

iRookie: 3
Elvis: 2
Shmevin: 2
Swexx: 2
RedPanda: 2
Bands: 2
Static: 1
Orko: 1

I encourage everyone to participate if they haven't already, and for those who haven't played at least 3 games to join us in the following rounds so they can get their prizes if when we win this year!
It is but only a pale moon, we'll alert you once the blood moon has arisen. I'll take control of organizing the next round. Me and Shmevin will be periodically switching off who arranges them more than likely.