IS it possibe to make a script which slows down moves overall? , like one frame takes twice the amount of time to playback.

(without just overloading the cpu...)
Now doing recoloring for people not in the clan as-well, PM for more info!
No idea if this is possible.

I always thought it would be good if you made it so if a part of the body becomes disconnected from the head, you lose control of it (maybe auto fracture the joints?). This would mean that if and arm or a leg came off, you wouldn't be able to make it jump around and attack stuff. And if your head comes off, you are finished, because you can't control anything anymore. Would be good for mods like sambo.
<the god> the god
<@Smilies2> modding tiem

Haha, thats awesome, is there anyway to do this on a multiplayer server, or do people have to download this before hand?
<the god> the god
<@Smilies2> modding tiem

A script for betting?
Click on whoever's name you want to bet on [or something similar], and you get a dropdown box to bet the minbet, or a specified number.
Then it would be alot easier than having to try to spell out someone's name, and trying to figure out what the minbet is.
Here you go.
Click on tori or uke. Then either click on bet <minbet> or bet custom. If you click bet custom, a box appears where you can type in the amount you want to bet with either numpad or standard number keys. I recommend numpad though since you can't turn of that you change the camera mode with standard 1 - 4. If you're finished, press enter. If you want to cancel, bet 0 or click anywhere.
However you have to set the minbet yourself, since I don't know any way to get it. For version > 3.9 use /minbet <amount>, for others use /ec minbet <amount>.

Have fun and notice me if anything doesn't work.
Attached Files
betting.lua (3.0 KB, 16 views)
Signature temporarily out of order.
I'd like something like the teleport script but for the... "momentum" ?
Toriolympics - 2nd place | Fr_Death Leader |ORMO Member |
Wants a challenge? Try and make a perfect auto camera smoothing and positioning script! select a replay and it does the camera work for you.
OLDA pobpnuk: i like other girls zaktt: SHIT