To smooth the geometric shape of the race track so you don't have to slow down as much to stop from sliding and hitting a wall. I'm not sure if it's useful at such low speeds, but in rally driving, it is.

Simpler English: Ever see how F1 drivers seem to stay in one line? Like they go to the right hand side of a left hand turn first, and then come in? It's so the track becomes as straight as possible as you go fastest in a straight line.
Proud member of Pandora
Good, good.
And now, I'm going to play a racing game
Last edited by kaddon; Jun 27, 2011 at 04:26 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Proud member of Pandora
I sort of do that.


No, I don't. In racing games I always stick to the inner circle bit. I'm like first place at the game at my local Chuck E Cheeses. Yeah. TAKE THAT, FIRST GRADERS.
I have been playing racing games since I was like 8. All those years of practice are starting to show their effect. Right now I can drive almost anything(even though I don't have a license) without much effort.

Hell, I even 'drove' a plane. More than once.
Proud member of [Pandora]
So, my dad was working overtime yesterday and his cell phone was out of batteries.

My mom began rampaging, screaming about how he dumped the children on her and had fled the country and had an affair and was breaking the law. She made my little brothers sit outside on display, on chairs, on the driveway. Apparently this would call him back.

Sooo, I called the police, which allowed my brothers to sneak back inside while she was yelling at me, and by way of being two large armed men the police calmed her down sort of. Anyway, they distracted her while I used my cell phone's locating app thing to prove my dad was on the road and moving towards us. He arrived maybe a couple minutes after the police left.
In other news, there are four baby bunnies who have nested in the front lawn. They haven't even opened their eyes yet :D

Last edited by Acavado; Jun 30, 2011 at 04:31 PM.