My name's Jess
I'm 21 Y/O
Black Belt
The 2 of my favorite mods are "Murden" and "Aikido"
I'm not a fan of Judo since the dismemberment annoys me xP
I'm often in-game as long as my real life doesn't strike in, gonna have to work on the forum activity though
I'd like to join this clan because I want to have the feeling of fighting for someone and not just myself, also I'm sure I could bring in some positivity
Sadly I haven't really met anyone from this clan, that should change
Hope to hear from you soon and if anything is missing let me know
I don't need weapons, my hands are more than enough to kill you
@GenoxFR, in discussion.
@ItzFlesh, in discussion.

@GenoxFR, denied.
@ItzFlesh, denied.
You can apply again in a week if you feel the need to.
Last edited by hanna; May 9, 2017 at 01:18 AM.
Hello, my name in game is Sentral, I play Toribash since 2010 , I am really good at aikidobigdojo, I am from Mexico and my GMT is GMT - 6h,I like duels, I don't like lose anything , duels or clan wars, I really like this clan, this is cool and got very good members, I hope you liked my apply!

Sorry for this short application but I hope you accept me to this clan
Last edited by sentral; May 10, 2017 at 06:17 AM.
<[Obey]Jojo> wanna do a duet on tiktok
Hello my name is Daniel , you can call me Dani.
Im a 16 year old male and i live in Bulgaria

Now let me tell you about my toribash expirience.

Im currently a black belt but im like 25 games away from 2nd dan which is pretty good, right? Well im a friendly and happy guy and im really active ingame or in forums. Ingame i would like to meet friends maybe play some abd with them or have a nice spar.

My Favorite mods so far are spar mods,aikidobigdojo,aikido,mushu and anything else i feel like playin

Before i tell you about my life and stuff i want to tell you why aikidobigdojo is my favorite mod and not like aikido.Well when i first played aikido i was like yeah its alright but the ring is too small and you cant make really good plays and tactics. So i chose aikidobigdojo and i started mastering it and now im pretty decent at it.I like it more because as i said it has more space to do moves,saves,openers and any good stuff.

Well as i said here is some stuff about my life.

I live in Varna its a pretty cool place , they beach is nice and its all good here.I love finding new friends because why not? Life without friends is boring! My hobbies are sports and drawing , but drawing with paper not with photoshop because my photoshop skills are just really bad...

Why did i pick to join this clan? Well i picked to join this clan and not other because you guys are the bomb! You're really active and friendly , i like that. You guys play ingame alot and go chat around in the discord page.

Soo about the replays , i cant really post ones because all of the replays i got are on my PC and im posting this on my laptop so when i get ahold of my PC i will make sure to send some replays :3

Thanks for taking time to read this,
Have a good day/night

P.S I forgot to tell you im Fuze in the discord server and ingame im Hunter0566
PM me for no reason,ask me something,send memes n stuff
Why? Cuz i like to view pm's (and dank memays)
Hi, I'm er571, just call me Kiri.
Im not active that much because i have training in 9 am - 8 to 7 pm
ill be active in saturday and sunday for the phillippines by the day the of
june 13 i think.. ill be start being active everyday.
I normally play aikido, abd and mushu i often practice spar or xspar.
I wanna join because my last clan leader join here and its fun to have more friends right.
Important stuff:
GMT +8
Why consider me?
I think you should consider me,
because im a skilled Aikido player
and I can help you with clan wars
and try my best to make the clan better as ever.
Application to join an awesome clan
hi! Im from india. GMT+5.5.I am an active player .Benn playing this game for more than 3 to play all mods.Looking forward for ur favourable consideration.I know u are would accept me.