Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by PerfectBro View Post
Whats your Current Belt (MINIMUM 2ND DAN)? : Brown Belt
How long have you been playing? : 1-2 Years
Have you taken any elongated breaks since starting TB?: No
How active are you In-game? : 10 (Play everyday)


Combine those things i made big.

They won't blend.

You have played two years.
You play everyday.
No breaks.

That should make you little bigger than brown belt.

Anyway brown belt so no.

One tip.

When applying to clan don't post replays that you win by luck.
You should show skill when applying.


You have played two years...
Your profile is made in july 2012 so it makes your profile 7 months old.

No alts.

That means you lied.
Last edited by Zapekk; Jan 26, 2013 at 08:43 PM.

That's hilarious Zap xD
Brown Belt. 10 Activity ingame. Played for 1-2 years.... AND No elongated breaks. xD

4th No.

You were denied with Zap's 3rd no, but now you're super-denied. Congratulations.
6th no, can't join next app, lol XD. Maybe when you are higher belt, not a lier, get boned, etc :3
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
He's not going to app again... he just cares about TAG before his nick :/
He found another clan so it doesn't matter for him if he's in Ethereal or [LaG]
Originally Posted by Bojka View Post
He found another clan : [LaG]

That. Is. Hilarious.

This is why a better App. system would be nice.
What's your real name? :Josh, or for the lolz, me and my friend give eachother dumb variations of our names and mine is Jash
Whats your Current Belt? :5th dan
How long have you been playing? :since may 2012
Have you taken any elongated breaks since starting TB?: not even one, play everyday
Current Country / GMT? : America -6 GMT
Former Clans? : [mylittle] (no hate please)
Why you left/got Kicked: I left because I was the last member in the clan who actually was often active, the only one ingame etc. (basically it died)
Any Skills For the Clan? : not really
How active are you forum-wise? : Very active, on all day basically
How active are you In-game? : above average, when I'm home, I'm on it
Any Bans? : nope
Any recent major infractions?:nope
Any Alts? :nope
Did anyone refer you?:nope, just liked this clans kind of activity
Will you follow the Rules?: yes
You have met me pretty well in the forums, so I think that wraps it up.