Clan vid?
Post your best mp replays brothers. Show me your willpower to carry on even though your head is flying through the air or your left leg is missing from the glute down ect.. .
Show me the deadly blows that DM or DQ instantly. . . I could go on but i think you get it. POST REPLAYS OK? ^_^
WTF KOOKY WATS UR PROB fk off bitch ( sorry ongbash for language) but kooky i earned my custom belt i applied ot be co ldr of ur clan i admit it BUT guess wat i realised it sucked Dick and yo ureplaced me anyway so i got out and was requested to join d-7 which a awesome clan now fk off with your comments oh and really....a glitch....custom drugs are bad get off them

P.S im searching for another brother everyone and i will ask shin-ryuu but hes really hard to get hes like super admin or something lol
Last edited by void; Apr 10, 2010 at 05:40 AM.

The best way to keep yourself motivated is to learn how to hate your life to the point where you want to get revenge on existence itself.
Cool, cool, shiik.

Like gamer said: Only make the vid once we have 7 members.

yo, shiik! wanna go to wushu8?
fl0w. Logo Designer, PM me.