Hehe I know it is, I love physics. I wanted to go to a university which specializes with quantum physics after i finished high school, but my country isn't that advanced as to hold jobs for quantum physicists or a university that teaches this. So I settled with being an engineer with a general specialization.
Originally Posted by Zalmoxis View Post
Hehe I know it is, I love physics. I wanted to go to a university which specializes with quantum physics after i finished high school, but my country isn't that advanced as to hold jobs for quantum physicists or a university that teaches this. So I settled with being an engineer with a general specialization.

My mad ass Msquad IP-checking skills reveal that you live in Romania. I agree, hard to find a decent education in quantum physics there. If you ever can afford to move, try ETH in Zürich, they are very good. Remember, you are never to old to study.
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash
Originally Posted by Meamme0 View Post
My mad ass Msquad IP-checking skills reveal that you live in Romania. I agree, hard to find a decent education in quantum physics there. If you ever can afford to move, try ETH in Zürich, they are very good. Remember, you are never to old to study.

Your mad ass Msquad IP - checking skills could have been not used if you had simply looked in my profile where I stated the country I live in btw xD

It's too late for me now, I'm already in my 1st year in Engineering. That and I have no knowledge of the German language. The education system is so bad here when it comes to foreign languages that I had to learn English by watching TV, so knowing German is out of hand heh.

I do plan to study Quantum Physics once I settle down and finish my studies. It will only be a hobby, so I can't let it interfere with my work at the moment.
Originally Posted by WolfIce View Post
How do you get a song you don't quite remember the name of out of your head?

Ya ignored his post -.-
Also , IDK
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