Blotto kicked my ass LOL
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Hi. I used to be a damn good mod (wayback 2008 and earlier) and then veb made me not a mod.
Been playing competitive Team Fortress 2.
Permission to join? I'm 27, in the UK and an officer for [Parrot]

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
This may be a long one, please read.
Welcome to the new members!

Tournament info

Round two is officially over. From what I can tell this is our current standing, the players left are Deady, Blotto, HebrewHamr, Hector, and NutHug.

@ Zentradi, sorry for the DQ homie, but I had to do it since NutHug was ready to fight and you weren't there. (however, I do think being drunk is probably one of the best possible reasons to miss a match . Lol. If I were you I would sig the "Zentradi was drunk and never showed up" bit cause its fuxing awesome)

@ RyusanPL, Sorry, but that is two missed rounds. If you guy's were able to fight and didn't get to post in time, please let me know and I will make changes accordingly.

I think those were the only two DQ's.

Before I list the next round bouts I want to let everyone know that I have decided to drop out of the tournament. Not only has my internet connection been dropping a lot lately, but honestly it would be lame as hell if I won the tournament for which I am providing the prize. This will also shorten the tournament to only two more rounds and give us a nice even number. Melmoth and Candide, I hope this does not somehow upset you.

O.k.? Okay!

Round three bouts.Semi-finals.

NutHug V Hector

Blotto V. HebrewHamr

The two winners of these fights will go on to the finals and fight each other in the same format for the prize. I think since this is the last round that whenever the two fights are done the winners may take it upon them selves to start the final round. But whoever wins PLEASE POST ALL THREE REPLAYS from the final round.

O.K. I think that covers the tournament. If you have any questions or comments let me know.

In other news, Blotto and I have decided to try out an external forum. The goal of this is to give OLDA a more organized and in-depth thread. Obviously a lot of our business would still be carried out on this thread, but the external forum would give us a better format for holding multiple discussions. This inst exactly set in stone yet, we want to hear all of your input on the subject and if it is considered fail by most of the members then obviously it will not be carried out. However I do think this could be a very good thing. As far as I know this isn't breaking any TB forum rules (*ahem* mods and admins, let me know) so as long we get a thumbs up from you guys we will do this thing. here is the link

If it is something you like then go ahead and register there as well. After I finish this up I am going to go there and write the greeting and rules, Blotto is doing the roster.

Also, cant remember if I have posted this yet, but go and read The Torinews! We have the second article! Thanks are in order for Melmoth. Hopefully my rambling inst to stupid and everyone likes it.

O.K. I think thats all for now.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
I want to see blood...

I has an idea for a discussion. Lately I have been thinking a lot about how much the internet has changed since I last had continual, easy access to it (some time about a decade or so ago). A lot has changed and being that we are all old enough to remember I was wondering if anyone had any, I guess features would be the right word, that they missed from days gone by. Heres what I mean. When I was like 15 and living with my folks we had AOL (at first they used to charge by the minute, or maybe hour, AOL blows) and probably the funnest thing I ever did back then was sit at the P.C. and download these (ha, notice the last update) They are called progs and punters, or rather progz. Basicly they were wonderful little add ons to AOL that hacked into it and let you get all sorts of destructive powers. Like a punter, it would send someone multiple instant messages at a very rapid rate, being that we all rolled on 56k this would quickly shut down just about anyones connection and kick or "punt" the person. At 15 this sort of power over something as big as AOL was a blast. Some other features were Macros, which would make pictures in chat rooms using what i can only guess were scripts programed to certain keystrokes. Also there were massmailers, and even chatroom games that you could host. Anyways, bottom line is you just cant do that anymore, and though I probably wouldn't even if you could, I still get sentimental about it because I'm a sap.

So how about you? What do you miss most about the old internet.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
I miss everything being on a BBS. Although I'm glad that Compuserve & AOL aren't the only ISPs in the UK now, phone calls to the US + subscription charges made the total cost grim.

Hardware 9600bps modems FTW! XD

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by Hector View Post

i know. but chiptunes of today is nothing like oldschool chitptunes..
btw,its me on 8bit party(in acid coat):