OKAY, let's move on with the CnC, SHALL WE?!

Alaistier - Right after the first step you took, your torso was bent, along with your right glute, which looked very strange. The first punch you threw out was pretty average, nothing special, but nice and clean. (Unlike other people, I find nothing wrong with a hit that doesn't make contact) Your recovery to regain balance looked quite strange because you were leaned too much. The flash gainer looked smooth. However, your elbows were stiff. The landing wasn't bad, but you landed on your toes, which, as I've stated not too long ago, is unrealistic to some factors. For example, landing on your toes in real life is quite difficult and could cause an immense amount of pain in a certain position. I loved the spinning back kick you've done. It was very smooth and clean. The landing to it was a bit too low, but I love how you flowed into a punch. After that, the way you were gaining more and more flow surprised me. It was very smooth and was full of momentum. The next kick was pretty straight-forward, but I liked how you still had the ability to gain even more flow. Sadly, you took out a lot of momentum and flow after you raised your arms. Your left foot got caught on the ground which caused you to stop, but I'll excuse that because you were too close to your partner and that leg would have gotten in the way of what Large was doing/would have wanted to do. Sadly, I must say that your left leg was very stiff. You were also quite stiff in the elbows. You ghosted through your left shin with your right arm, which is something you should watch out for. I liked the way you recovered and I DEFINITELY see the improvement in your jumps. The spin was nice and smooth and the landing was good. Sadly, you ghosted through your right leg with your right arm. You also were in an awkward position for a certain amount of frames. You were beginning to run away from him at first, but then I fell in love with the way you turned around. However, your legs seemed to be stiff, but rarely, and your right arm was stiff as well. The back kick was okay, but your were stiff in both the knees and the elbows.Your landing was a bit off because you landed with the help of your hand, but that's not too much of a problem. Again, I liked how you flowed in another kick. Finally, the knockout position you've made looked quite realistic. Very, very good job. You have very few flaws in your sparring, and you're the perfect partner to spar with. You have good teamwork skills, and I love how you watch out for someone if you may get in the way. Excellent work, Alai. :3

Largekilla (Why do I even bother?) - I don't see any flaws within his run. I dislike how he didn't make full contact with his first punch, but that's not too much of a problem. I also disliked how he did a back hand hit, but I'm sure it was an accident because he immediately contracted his elbow after that. I loved the smoothness and the flow of his spin kick. However, his arms were stiff and I found him to be too low. His landing was very nice. After that, he jumped and contracted both of his knees, which looked stiff, but it was rarely noticeable. For a long amount of time, I saw no flaws. At around frame 730, he seemed to be trying to position himself more. In this amount of time, his right leg looked stiff, and he's lost all of his momentum and flow. The next spin kick was quick, but awkwardly positioned. (In midair) He was also stiff in the knees, but only for a short amount of time. Again, I saw no flaws for a long amount of time. The second last noticeable flaw I've seen was that for his last punch, he was on his toe. I've already explained that flaw. Finally, his pose was nice, but his left arm ghosted freely through his left leg. Overall, he did an amazing job, as usual.

Anyways, here's a spar with Fett175. He pinged right before the last hit, so I had to edit in SP a pose. As you can see, I got apathetic to look smooth or anything.
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D3_Fett175_Spar.rpl (468.6 KB, 14 views)
Well then. Nice first jump. The first time I watched it, I literally said "How the fuck..." That's a good sign. Nice landing, and the jump that followed was smooth but somewhat lost in purpose. When you landed that one, I was like, oh, he's going to run towards fett... But you didn't. Instead, you followed it up with another jump, which, although it was a nice hook kick, really accomplished nothing, and didn't look like it ever intended to hit anything. Following that, you spun for momentum towards fett, and I was expecting a nice roundhouse or something similar. On the way through your rotation, you contracted your wrist, which, personally, I always thinks looks bad. It'd be weird to do that in real life. I understand why you did it, but you held it too long. The kick that ensued, instead of being magnificent and beautiful, was awkward and targeted his head. It would've made a better body shot. You ended up bent strangely like a pocketknife. The landing was a bit of redemption, though, and the turnaround was nice and smooth. I like to do turnarounds like that. :3 The kick was big and slow, it would've been cool to see more dynamic rotation. The jump that followed looked too identical, as well, and the kick made so little contact, it just didn't feel right.

I love your jumps but I feel like you do them perhaps too much sometimes. I'd like to maybe see you have more of a ground game, if you know what I mean. Also, punches now and then aren't bad. ;)

Nice flow, though. Can't argue with that.

Another spar with deadlybash. I think we work really well together. I had some shitty parts here and there, but I don't think they were too bad. Personally, I loved my doublekick towards the beginning.
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Last edited by Alaistier; Jun 1, 2012 at 03:50 PM.
Hey i cant open replays on this computer ive beeen on youtube trying to figure out what wrong but i would like to post this replay before i have to leave here and alai i will cnc when i get back home today.
So here it is i wasnt going for a spar i was just working on sparring
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Spar Andrew77 vs. Andrew77.rpl (169.5 KB, 5 views)
My CnC to D3monz:

Wow, nice jump, and flip and I could say that it is an Awesome Spar *Speechless *

My CnC to Alas:

Haha, nice ending and start, it was an awesome fight and a replay, It was funny when u hitted Deadlybash at the end, and well, I read what u said, its not that bad c: *Speechless again lol*

My CnC to Andrew:

Well, I didn't like it since you aren't moving much and its stiff-ish :/ Sorry


My new replay

It kinda suck at one part but I bared with it (CnC please c
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Sparring with mystifye!.rpl (551.2 KB, 6 views)
Proud Founder/Leader of Odd and Member of RSO
Proud and Loyal Sensei of xXShio13Xx, Rodac, Firetiger, Umgcow, and DeaThDAN
Well slow and dont do much sp spar do mp because i saw u focus on ur self more than the other guy not the biggest fan it was ok but still room for improvement.

I was just working on my flow so here it is plz give tips to work on my flow
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Flow Practice.rpl (313.1 KB, 3 views)
Well, nice flips you did Andrew :P

Anyways, heres a new Sparring (Yesterday)
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Sparring with Swexxelite!.rpl (662.0 KB, 8 views)
Proud Founder/Leader of Odd and Member of RSO
Proud and Loyal Sensei of xXShio13Xx, Rodac, Firetiger, Umgcow, and DeaThDAN
You need to work on your balence
The way you bouny on your hands from time to time dosnt look good
Other than that its a prttey good replay

Heres a new spar with swex
We made babehs
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Swex vs Zero 11(Babehs).rpl (824.0 KB, 12 views)
ZerO:Your style is very similar with swexx, the difference is the technology and the flow :You make your moves in a different technology(I mean style or idk how to say this i hope you wil understand meD: ) and your flow is not so epic like swexx's .YOu are like to be stay on the ground , not like swexx whos like to do epic flying moves or breakdances he's moves have more dynamics than yours, but you have a good creativity in your moves and you can keep your balance well
I'm so amazed when I saw that jump you done zero
ninja, I give you 10/10

Ala:Good news, I think I'M gotten cleaned out from this pointwhore and stiffness for now.
so we can spar if you want....
Let me show you what I've done
Unfortunately swexx is had to go in the end so I'm ended/edit the posing...
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See my mug , it'll probably turn the flowers black