Nino i fell liek i meet u be4. mabe ingam? i se i ned to speek liek dis becuz i se u hav troublez wit ur posts.

But seriously I remember you, don't know from where and I like when people don't say stuff like "clan spirit". I like more approprate thins like, comedy, friendlyness, etc. etc.
So I am leaning on a no.
I am unsure though I believe it is a no from me.
<aracoon> we have been asking about your middle name all night
<hampa> 420
I've seen him in forum, he has horrible grammar, I've seen him scamming in art and items, also ingame, he's a faggot and he's not getting into this clan, end of story.
[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth
Words cannot simply express my disappointment in the few previous posts, insulting applicants and speaking to them in such an outrageously rude manner is not the kind of ettiquette a member of Enigma should have. If I so see anyone speaking to anyone in this board in that manner they will be kicked immediately. With that being said, Nino, I'm very sorry how my members have been treating you. Please, remake your application so the respectful members of Enigma can vote fairly.
what am i doing here
Originally Posted by Dragonbreath View Post
I've seen him in forum, he has horrible grammar, I've seen him scamming in art and items, also ingame, he's a faggot and he's not getting into this clan, end of story.

I NEVER have scammed anyone on anything so your thinking of someone else

Facade:Thank you.
I will

Hello everyone of enigma.My name is NinoRossii as many of you already know.
I'm here to see if i would ''fit'' your family.Some of you may remember my name/me from Hit.
I have been playing toribash for 2 years now.I had a little ''break'' because i had school problems from it.
So let me tell you some information about myself.I live in Finland and i really like playing games other than toribash too.I really would like to see me join your family.I have made some art but still i wouldn't consider myself as a toribash artist.I really like making replays though.I really hope i didn't waste your time with three applications.But still ... i really hope i get accepted
Last edited by NinoRossii; Jul 19, 2012 at 11:16 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
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Originally Posted by NinoRossii View Post

NinoRossii from Hit.

YOur from hit? I still don't remmber you that well, sorry.
I dont know if I should say yes or no.
I think know him.
As I good remember he is pretty cool guy.
I think yes from me. ;p
Last edited by Ozzy; Jul 20, 2012 at 08:34 PM.
My personal vote will have to be no, your English isn't very good and that's definitely something we look for. Another thing is that some of out members have a problem with you and can't get along. I can tell, this will probably cause major problems.
Last edited by Facade; Jul 20, 2012 at 03:36 PM.
I was in Hit, and I don't remember him.

I can't stand his grammar, so I'm gonna have to say no...again. Sorry.