1stly. Sure I can be your mentor, Urban...the only recuierment is that you have msn. and I will mostly train you in TK.

2ndly. What tha heck pat....what do you mean? somehow I feel something sarcastic in that post lol...
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!
If Powell Trains me in TK, Won't I need another Mentor for the other Games?
LOL i pwn at twin swords! I got like 8 in a row!

Do i only get 1 mentor?
You can't all work on me and make me uber hard and strong?
Also I'm looking for a Spinx Primary :P
Ill pay for it! >_> If paying is needed...
<--- :O!!! It's Me!
Last edited by urbanNinja_old; Sep 22, 2008 at 07:35 PM.
He's a ninja like me!

Welcome to freelance

......Witing in white always confuses everything, i take back the second line of this post.....
lol aipom...its not that easy....

lol if he joins we got 3 ninjas in FL.... ninjaaipom, boyninja and then urbanninja
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!
here's a Ninja!
there's a Ninja!
and another Ninja!
Killer Ninja
Stealthy Ninja
Ninja Ninja

No but seriously, I'm Green Belt atm. Patrick said I can put [Freelance-App] For my tag until im 2nd dan. Unless i can join because I'm a ninja? =D

And OMG Loje!!! Your Signature Tricked me 3 times now! Stupid +30tc's Trick....
Last edited by urbanNinja_old; Sep 23, 2008 at 03:31 AM.
Originally Posted by NinjaAiPoM View Post
He's a ninja like me!

Welcome to freelance

Witing in white always confuses everything, i take back the second line of this post

i wrote in white highlight the post