hacks i swear to fucking god dont do this to me

the opener was actually really generic and boring, slow and awkward

the decap wasnt that stylish, its a decap he got by kicking ukes head w o w

the abs i was talking about frame 240, before you start arguing with me about this fucking replay you should probably post actual cnc. "perfect replay" isnt that helpful. neither is "youre getting really good"

also that skeet thing has been done so much, thats why its not as cool as you probably think. i could find the replays that ive seen with a skeet like that but i dont feel like wasting 20 years of my life

Originally Posted by Cat View Post
the opener was actually really generic and boring, slow and awkward

no. the opener was risky and it payed off. jumping into the air right off the bat in a replay puts you in a position that is in midair and with very few ways to get momentum. he used his arm to push himself fast enough for it to not look floaty. while it doesnt look very flashy and cool, it was impressive how he pulled it off and yes that can be a reason to be good
Originally Posted by Cat View Post
the decap wasnt that stylish, its a decap he got by kicking ukes head w o w

theres a huge difference between kicking ukes head and doing a reverse leg kick
Originally Posted by Cat View Post
also that skeet thing has been done so much, thats why its not as cool as you probably think. i could find the replays that ive seen with a skeet like that but i dont feel like wasting 20 years of my life

...what? a skeet that bounces off the floor (plus the fact that he threw the bodypart before it bounced off the floor) is overdone? im not even sure if youre joking anymore
edit: also the fact that it was momentum break. forgot to say that

about anything else i didnt mention
the hits would have only been decent if they hadnt been so clean
also another thing i would like to mention that ive already said, you hit and move around as if uke didnt exist. his bodyparts dont restrict your movement at all. watching this replay with /opt uke 0 makes it look like you are just moving around in -9.82

very good work

Originally Posted by Cat View Post
my opinions wrong

are you making fun of the exact same thing you did to hacks lol
Last edited by pusga; Mar 25, 2014 at 10:54 PM.
oh yeah
my opinions wrong

how was the opener pulled off well? i dont really think thats a reason for it to be good, it is a bit impressive but openers are meant to be the opening of the replay, i wanted to be impressed in a different other than it being hard.

no but they are both kicking ukes head

is the skeet really impressive, its kinda cool but its nothing amazing. i think it broke by his hand, i may be wrong. am i ever joking

the core i didnt like, the kick i admit was clean.
its true he never stops while destorying uke

im not saying its bad im just telling what i thought about it


2 much cnc for this replay
That's enough, anymore posts regarding this will be reported and I will try to get it infracted.
This isn't an arguement thread, we put our opinions on the replay in, stop bashing each other.

/everyone warned
Why am I this popular what. Thanks for the cnc doods, I have the creators curse so I think it sucks because I can only see the flaws BUT OKAY YOU GUYS SEEM TO LIKE IT (except cat but that's her opinion and all are welcome yes).

Plus all the cool people argue over my replays in #ormo so go there pls thank you.
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~
OH GOD ITS DONE FINALLY. Pose took me forever hi.
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Filcode.rpl (193.9 KB, 24 views)
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~
Originally Posted by ManlyPotato View Post
OH GOD ITS DONE FINALLY. Pose took me forever hi.

pose was good so gj
would have liked a opener :v
I liked what you did with the two kicks after the opener
I cant opener so zeto did one and then yeah stuff hi.
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zeto.rpl (157.3 KB, 19 views)
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~
Pretty good opener you got there Zeto.
The first kick wasnt really, anything.
Split was p cool.
Decap was nice.
I would have like to see both knee DMs.
Pose was, meh.
Overall: 7.83/potato