i was in OG and it died so i left lols
becuse the bomb ssquad is op and fun
im pro in akido,greykido,abd
a guy framed me so i got banned
skype,temaspeak skype is hakeemwatson1
im a fun guy
my name-in game :gmz64max

my real name : Gabriel

belt : black

age : 10

in-game activity : 10

forum activity : 5

Any previous clans and why you left them : its my first clan

Why The Bomb Squad : the name is cool

How you can you contribute to us : share with my friends

Favorite mods : mushu.tbm gtfastbreak.tbm

Any bans/infractions :

Other means of communication (e.g skype) : gabriel.gmzx

Something about yourself : I play on my ps3 my name on psn and gmz64maximun I 'm home and I'm Brazilian

Replays : NBA PLAYER
I will say no to both Hakeem and Gmzx because you guys have put no effort and didn't really tell us about yourselves that much.
I am just an icon livin'
going to give the final no for hakeem and gmzx apply next week and look at some previous apps to get an idea on what is accepted
OBLIVEION: If you are not going to post here to make an application don't bother posting here at all.
I am just an icon livin'
Greetings people of The Bomb Squad, I am Acidpunch as you may have noticed but you may also call me Mitchell.

I am an 18 year old 2nd dan black belt and I have a job which only leaves me the afternoons to play games and go on forums, however, I am quite active in-game and I'm becoming more active on the forums.

I have been in a number of clans since I started toribash in 2009, the first one was Essence, I left it because my brother made a clan and had asked me to join it, the second was H0ly, it pretty much died and that's how I left, the third was The Crimson Bloodline, I left because I didn't have enough time to regularly check and post on the forums or play online, the fourth was The 1 Unit, I left because the clan was not very active and I didn't really get along with the leader, the fifth was My Little Ponies, it, too, died and I was once again clanless.

I decided upon The Bomb Squad because I liked the look of the clan, the name is good, the people seem good and if it means I get to be a part of an awesome clan then why not submit an application.

I am somewhat of a hobby artist so if you need a texture or something drawn I can assist in that, I'm also pretty skilled when it comes to toribash but I prefer to play to have fun rather than play to win.

My favourite mod would probably be ninjitsu as you can be so mobile and, well, ninja like. I have never had any bans or infractions on this account or any of my other accounts. I can also be reached via my skype account McTurkeyBurger or my steam of the same name.

Ok so now something about myself. Well, I sound like I'm 30, I could grow a decent beard at 16, I played the trumpet (when I had one), I like basketball, I'm a brony, I like listening to music, I like singing/ rapping to music, I'm quite calm most of the time, and I can't think of anything else to say.

Once I get on my computer tomorrow afternoon I will upload a few Replays but until then I thank you for taking the time to read my application.
- AcidPunch
Edit: I also live in Brisbane, Australia.
2nd edit: I've uploaded two single player replays and one online replay (I would have more but this is all I have on my new computer)
Attached Files
#TWC 53 (AcidPunch).3.rpl (181.5 KB, 3 views)
#TWC 54 (AcidPunch).4.rpl (219.1 KB, 3 views)
24325save12212.rpl (57.6 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by AcidPunch; Apr 30, 2015 at 08:25 AM.
Proud member of The Bomb Squad
Rank: Replay Expert
Don't let what happened in the past bring you down, for tomorrow is a new day, full of opportunity.