Luigy i like your spar but the last kick in it was unrealistic other than that i liked it. ( dont say im not a teacher cause i know im not i just wanted to comment on this )
Frogs never die.
No more people in my sig.
Agh, chicken can't spar for shit.

Also, luigy, never do handstands like that. You never want to be upside down like that, unless you're headspinning.
If you're gunna do a handstand, it has to look realistic and good. Other than that your style looked really cool. Almost oldschool-ish.
the goblin
Don't worry luigy, realism takes time and practice. Something that could really help you is just thinking of what you'd do in an actual fight. Most of your hits would be thrown when your on your feet. You'd never want to lose your balance or else your opponent would have many wide open shots on you, so you'd do anything to keep on your feet. That's the feeling you need to bring into sparring. A little unrealistic movement couldn't hurt in a spar, but not too much. Honestly, being realistic could lead to much more flow and many more hits. Luigy, keep sparring, and I'd suggest finding skilled sparrers because you could learn a thing or two while sparring them. And don't be shy to ask for tips while sparring them either. This goes to all of you students who want to be more realistic. Keep on your feet most of the spar and watch yourself when you throw sloppy hits. You're crave for more points may lead to your worst spar. Most importantly, always tell your opponent what you'll do next. If you don't, you'll lose teamwork and that spar might not go out so well. Take these notes into consideration when you spar. Good luck guys, I hope to see improvement from you all. ^_^
Yea, i ve already sparred with Obazu, and he said i cant lose my balance and he saids too about what should i do in real life.

Anyway, thank you.
heres a spar with me and mone
the replay got messed up and when i tryed to fix it...
it failed. So I ended up looking like Uke. And the one that looks like me is moneshot. so yea try not to get confused.
Attached Files
mone spar.rpl (645.7 KB, 11 views)
Herpa Derp.
Nice spar guys. Loved how it was a nice attempt at endless violence.

Also, gunna add gray to the teachers list (finally). Was busy with a lot of other shit.
the goblin
2 spars of me and grrmoo and 1 of me and deadlybash Cnc please
Attached Files
spar.rpl (554.9 KB, 9 views)
spar2.rpl (555.7 KB, 7 views)
sparing.rpl (832.1 KB, 8 views)