well arturix psyckho hasnt really told me wheter or not I can. I'm just a moderator. True I have more power than the average joe, but I don't think that he has given me that power. I'll talk with him about that. Maybe drone36 can help be a recruiter. It would be sweet if I was though.
|Ex-VorteX Moderator|Gravitation|<3 Wushu |
Long live VorteX in memory
Your not ready yet. To be a recruiter, you need to excell in nearly all mods: Aikido, Wushu, Sambo, Judo (of course judo is more luck than anything), Taekkyon, etc.

If you would stop betting and playing twinswords and learned other mods, maybe you can be one hunter. ;)
|Ex-VorteX Moderator|Gravitation|<3 Wushu |
Long live VorteX in memory
Well... That Wasnt The Simple Answer I was Expecting Lol.

But Ive Played With Drone Quite A Bit.

Havent met Psycho Yet.
Originally Posted by ripper23 View Post
you know what ian shut up i can beat you in 9/10 mods and so what if i bet my own tc

srsly hunter? I dont remember you beating me in hardly any mods except judo. inb4 noob moves in all the mods i mentioned. And about the betting thing. I didnt say there was a problem. I just said get out there and practice every mod out there. Man you took this the wrong way. You responded the same way gavin does when he's on his special time of the month.

I'm sorry zaxaza, i didnt really answer your question. We need you to be tested by Psyckho. and if he isnt on for a really long time i could try gathering up the old members of VorteX, (drone, rickyz, Vandetta) and make something of a decision. I'm sure you'll be in. Sorry for the inconvenience
Last edited by lolpants; Mar 9, 2011 at 12:38 AM. Reason: editing my choice of words
|Ex-VorteX Moderator|Gravitation|<3 Wushu |
Long live VorteX in memory
Why yes. In fact if he says your good to go, then ur almost there. I think if you get accepted by rickyz to be in (like he says you should be in.) then you should definately be in.
I just noticed your post number...and your join date. wtf?
|Ex-VorteX Moderator|Gravitation|<3 Wushu |
Long live VorteX in memory
Me And A Mod Got In A Little Bit Of A Dispute.
Nuff Said.

*Edit O.K I Guess Send Me A P.M Once Its All Set Up*
Last edited by zaxazaza; Mar 9, 2011 at 01:02 AM.
alright sounds good! I just need to pass on the word to some of the others and we'll see how it goes. =)
|Ex-VorteX Moderator|Gravitation|<3 Wushu |
Long live VorteX in memory