Originally Posted by pizzapete8 View Post
btw nothing personaliy to the clan i hope we can be allies soon!!!

We were allys but hardy cancelled it.

Originally Posted by Chronicx View Post
Best Mods:Aikido and Judo
Why do you want to join?
becouse i need a clan and this one is cool

You have to find a assault server and try out before you can join.
Originally Posted by pizzapete8 View Post
no trails scream and assault

Ummm... What?

Originally Posted by Chronicx View Post
will someone make a server that i can be tested?
pm me when yo make a server

I'll make one tomorrow if no one else does.
Originally Posted by Chronicx View Post
oh thank you trails10 you will be my tester
pm when you make a server!!

Chronicx passed the test! So add him to the roster when you get the time.
Originally Posted by pizzapete8 View Post
Im hosting tourney's first one's tomorrow donate plz!

Why are you posting here, Since you're not in Assault anymore?