Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Hello , my name is Daniel but you can call me Hunter because that's my ingame name but without the numbers.

This is the first clan that i have applied to because i felt like this is where my place is.

I have never been banned in toribash because i follow the rules and i just keep calm to everybody and just be nice and respectful.

Im like 3 to 4 days active in a week , depends on the work and stuff i have to do but i can say that im pretty active ingame and in forums because when i go ingame i just like to find some peeps and hangout with them, same with forums i just go around looking at threads and posting 1-2 things.

I do check forums regularly and post in them , which i will be doing to the clan thread and i'll be checking the recruitment thread too.Because the more attention the better for the clan.

My Favorite mods are the aikido ones like: aikidobigdojo(main mod), aikido,greykido,mushu and sometimes spar.

Im really into aikido mods because they teach you techniques and openers and really crazy moves and stuff , but to give you a challenge you have a dojo and you cant touch the ground with your joints n stuff like that.

Well i live in Bulgaria,Varna and im 14 years old. Im a really friendly and happy person, and i really like to meet new friends to just hangout or play with. In real life im a big football fan and im a really decent football player (not really). But i just like sports because they're not only good for you but pretty fun.

No i dont have any alts.

I chose to apply for Reckless, because i felt like you guys are pretty friendly and nice and would accept me into your community i mean , yeah i am a yellow belt but you should test me ingame to see that belt doesn't matter, the skills do.
And i though about joining you because i wanted to help you out and fight in clan wars because ill be pretty active.

About communication or social activity im a really active discord user i have it on my pc,laptop and phone so i can chat and see if there are any wars going on at the moment so i can come and help.

About the replays i had to re-install toribash and i dont have any replays now so to show you my skills i would like to get tested ingame to see my true potential
@hunter , you should try to reapply in a few weeks, your application is pretty good, but you joined in april and you're still a yellow belt which makes me doubt your activity. We want replays, not to test your skills, but just to know if you have the basic knowledge and motivation to join.

If you reapply in 2 weeks and attach replays to your new application we'd be happy to accept you into our clan.

Until then you can join us on discord and talk to us if you'd like. We accept everyone into our discord server who wants to. Here's the link

have a nice day
Heummmmm....I think is IKoorie , my clan i think in my past with other account 6 clan dead or inactive (not for all) vampire I do not know why , fuck asus the tip of the pc to make load the pc was lightly damaged we will say and these bastard of asus we make in sore that if you break a single thing it is all your pc that this breaks mouth , check the forum 24/24 and 7/7 !My favorite mod is...Mushu Aikido and ABD !! I think the new mod with 2 players looks cool ! Heum...My name is Ariane , i have 17 years old...I love the sport and heuu...I love music ! No , im not the girl to use an ALT. Because i recktless , no serious i post because , I really do not know , soory for my response if i vex you.
and sorry if is short
what's your first language, you seem to have trouble with english and it may be posiibly that someone in our clan speaks your language so you can communicate with us properly.
bein alors tu peux écrire une app en francais si tu veux. Tous que tu as besoin de faire est écrire les infos requises et attacher 2 replays.

Les infos requises sont les suivantes:

-quels est ton main ?
-dans quels clans as-tu été dans ta carrière Toribash ?
-as-tu jamais été banné ? Si oui, pourquoi?
-combien de temps es-tu en ligne pendant une semaine régulaire?
-est-ce que tu es souvent sur les forums ?
-quels sont tes mods préférés?
-Qui es-tu? (raconte nous qulque chose sur toi)
-Est-ce que t'as des alts, si oui, lesquelles ?

Je sais que tu as répondu à beacoup des ces questions dans ta première app, mais je pense que c'est mieux si tu recommence et présente une app complaite.

Je ne serai pas accesible pendant une semaine à partir de demain, donc ce pourrait prendre un peu plus long temps pour répondre à une app en francais car je suis le seul qui parle francais dans reckless. Ne t'inquiète pas, ton englais n'est pas incroyablement mauvais donc ce ne sera pas unproblème de communiquer avec les autres membres mais je pense qu'écrire une app complètement en anglais semble te faire des problèmes.
Hello Im Damien and i would like to apply for RECKLESS
because well...... i am reckless and this is my main account, my previous clan was MOFF (man on fire films which is dead now), im a black belt, im from america,
ive never been banned, im only on on weekends cuz i go to my moms ex's house every weekend, my favorite mods are mushu and boxshu, i dont check the forums very often, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i like toribash, thats something about meh and i dont have any alts.
good enough? also you guys seem really cool and also sounds like you could help me with stuffz.
Sorry for the late reply but youuuuureeee accepted!!(sorry I dunno how to size 7 on le phone)
Will inv you and pm you the discord link ^^