Originally Posted by hushpupp1e View Post
whats wrong with simply giving the winner-by-default the TC?

ffs try to be not so egocentric.. it's understandable that you want tc, but the problem is ragequiters. if person have a negative motivation to quit, he would not quit.... giving the winner tc will encourage farming. as simple as that.
I totally agree with snob. Giving the winner tc will encourage farming. I support snob's idea.
Virus: Son | ImVeryBlue: Husband | Creati0n: Wife
okay look from this point. the whole objective is to get rid of ragequiters as simple way as possible, since it's rather easy to implement. i have no other idea to make it as simple and effective as ragequit penalty.

there are only 2 conditions to trigger penalty:
1) finals
2) quit/spec/relog/lost connection.

whoever will start to complain about "i had to walk my dog and quit suddenly or what if my cnnection got booted or electricity lost, i'm not guilty! " you are not, but stop being so egocentric. if penalty solution will stop 98% of ragequiters and 2% will be victims of internet connection/situation etc, it's more then great.

when you have a phone call when you play dark souls and some dark spirit invade you do you complain about the game?
leaving while losing
i think that leaving in mid game should not be allowed or counted as win for the person who stays because those rank farmers keep on leaving and rejoining just because of that even when internet goes down this should be counted
It would be kinda unfair for this who has very bad connection
Nor if you have to go if your mother is kicking off your computer like in spars or something So

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I'm ready for my daily dose of cringe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
why is it unfair ? you stop while mid-game and the other played that match for nothing if you have a bad connection it's ok not your fault but for every other reason its the leaving players fault
If you have a very bad connection you should think about upgrading..
We're all going to Hell, we may as well go out in style
Death is a promise, and your life is a fucking lie
What if you have to urgently go?you leave your doll inbetween a match,confirm lose,there is'nt a halfway playing afk thing so you have to wait till next match till afk.If player is op,
they can force enter you and keep winning you.
Bye bye toribash