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Shiai Mega Thread || PM A Event Squad Member TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZES
Tokens can be exchanged for items by sending Private Message to any member of the Event Squad.

Welcome to the Shiai Item list thread.

You're probably wondering why Shiai would even need its own thread, why it'd be in events and most of all, what Shiai even is!
Firstly, Shiai is a new type of currency developed by the Item Forgers for the ES's. Shiai Tokens (ST) can only be given out by ES's at their tournies and events.
Said tokens can be exchanged for items by sending Private Message to any of the Event Squad.

Shiai Item Master List

You can buy these items by PMing any of the Event Squad!




Last edited by AssassinPro; Apr 4, 2017 at 12:44 AM.
if you want to use tokens from 2 or more different accounts to buy one item then te answer is no
I have 17 shiais and want to spend 15 on a left hand boxing glove

Please and thanks -

Also, I'll be back for the right hand glove soon

please guys, read.
send a private message to gamemaster, it is written on the first page, i said it on previous page aswell.
Originally Posted by Scorpio View Post
if you want to use tokens from 2 or more different accounts to buy one item then te answer is no

and why is this not an option?
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
Originally Posted by mwah View Post
and why is this not an option?

It would make Shiai Tokens somewhat tradeable. For example lets say you have 5 Shiai Toxens and I pay you 50k for them I would be able to use your account and mine to buy a boxing glove for me.
Creati0n is the WORST Smite player EVER
Originally Posted by Toxic View Post
It would make Shiai Tokens somewhat tradeable. For example lets say you have 5 Shiai Toxens and I pay you 50k for them I would be able to use your account and mine to buy a boxing glove for me.

except I'm talking about between two accounts you own. as you know gms can quite easily check the ips, and it wouldn't something that would come about too often.
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
I see your point, and in that case I am not sure why it wouldn't be an option. Maybe it would just be too much of a hassle taking in mind many people request items daily. It's just a thought I'm not really sure.
Creati0n is the WORST Smite player EVER
i would like to buy a eye patch with my 5 shiai do i do it?
Pls eyepach me in exchange of my 5 shiai tokens somebody
Pm me for deals