Originally Posted by Athanatos View Post
<snip> religion is around to make answers for deep pressing questions that mankind can not understand. this belief of an afterlife helps keep societies in check and morals in balance. religion is good in society doesnt mean its true

If you feel the need to discuss the exsistance of powerfull " gods"or the non-esisting ones, feel free to make a server about it.
Last edited by BenDover; Aug 2, 2011 at 08:27 PM.
This is ridiculous. Kids have the will to believe in anything they want. To brainwash them to believe Jesus is their lord, is inhuman. Those camps should be sued for all it's worth, and the kids should go to special schools. They have already scarred too many.
That guy named Poppo
You know, the leader of Fyre.
Originally Posted by poppo361 View Post
This is ridiculous. Kids have the will to believe in anything they want. To brainwash them to believe Jesus is their lord, is inhuman. Those camps should be sued for all it's worth, and the kids should go to special schools. They have already scarred too many.

Unfortunately, it's legal. It's not recognized as something abusive because it's religion-based and they like to pull the separation of church and state in matters like that. Funny, how they hate something until they can pick and choose which parts suit them best.
This.. This is just, wow.
I have no words to describe my hate towards these types of things.
I felt so angry throughout the video, it's just..disgusting.
It could be borderline forgivable if they were ignorant as to what they were really doing. But they know full well that they're indoctrinating these kids.
<snip silly joke>

We could just stick to going to church every Sunday, and you could go to a Christian School, but this is going way too far for reasonable standards of worshiping.
Oh, and brainwashing kids? Something is seriously wrong...

I am suspicious, there may be false teachings in this!
Last edited by BenDover; Aug 4, 2011 at 08:52 AM.
The reason we feel the need for religion is the fact that we need to know that things happen for reasons and that we are not alone, we also like to know that there is something beyond life.

personally i only believe in karma, you do something bad you get punished, you do something good you get rewarded.
JANITOR "Drill-fork, you can drill and fork. Mostly fork."
The United States... A country built on religious freedom, yet christianity is still sticking its cock in everything... Nothing against believers but people who think its there "duty" to spread christianity everywhere are just dumbass'.
Co-Leader of [Jungle](Goddamnit we died)