*shit posts*
Giselle is my name, and I suck dick for fame. I only like Pussy, so I don't fuck with dudes. But hey I'm a slut, so PM me for nudes.
Originally Posted by Kable732 View Post

This person knows no respect or forgiveness. He'll keep on hating TEKKEN for as long as he lives, no matter how hard I try to convince him we're actually a respectable clan.

Oh, would you look at that, he's at it again... Jeez, he really hates us xD All because I won.

No, we started it. We are the ones that caused the faults.
It's Goku's fault cuz he trash-talked him online while playing.
Thus, hating us all cuz for that.
And also, Retardguy9 got banned eh? Seems like things are real tough for him.
Oh well... I wonder what really happened.
Last edited by robbystyle; Dec 27, 2015 at 12:36 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
You're gonna have a bad time...
Originally Posted by robbystyle View Post
No, we started it. We are the ones that caused the faults.
It's Goku's fault cuz he trash-talked him online while playing.
Thus, hating us all cuz for that.
And also, Retardguy9 got banned eh? Seems like things are real tough for him.
Oh well... I wonder what really happened.

[12/26/2015 8:21:34 AM] Mika: hello
[12/26/2015 8:21:44 AM] Mika: i would kindly like to explain my actions
[12/26/2015 8:21:57 AM] Mika: the actions i have done were all for research purposes
[12/26/2015 8:22:11 AM] Mika: indeed that is my alt account
[12/26/2015 8:22:16 AM] Mika: but i did it for a purpose
[12/26/2015 8:22:36 AM] Mika: we have received complaints from many ppl and clans saying tekkie is bad
[12/26/2015 8:22:46 AM] Mika: so i put myself in the haters position
[12/26/2015 8:22:57 AM] Mika: to see if we r being rude or anything
[12/26/2015 8:23:12 AM] Mika: because if we were then i would try and help my clan improve
[12/26/2015 8:23:26 AM] Mika: and of course i acted as amok tank because he has shown the most hate to us
[12/26/2015 8:23:31 AM] Mika: apok*
[12/26/2015 8:24:34 AM] Mika: i believed that this way i could help improve the clan but in the end i get banned
[12/26/2015 8:24:42 AM] Mika: the command is yours if you want to ban me
[12/26/2015 8:25:00 AM] Mika: i shall not resist but my intentions were never to frame amok tank
[12/26/2015 8:25:04 AM] Mika: i did it all undercover
[12/26/2015 8:25:10 AM] Mika: because if i told them i was retardguy
[12/26/2015 8:25:22 AM] Mika: then the research would not be effective

retard tryed to start fixing things on his way but he ended banned 6 months we all still love you retard and we are with you ;-; stay awesome trainer

I Make ARTs Pm me a Request,OK,Bey.
Gorrrrdddd~ I wanna make awesome replays, someone help me.
Sometimes the weakest ones are the ones that don't go down without a fight.
Originally Posted by Kable732 View Post
Gorrrrdddd~ I wanna make awesome replays, someone help me.

I am coming ^^
Originally Posted by bossboy020 View Post
why am i out of tekken ?

We know that u are bossboylol
Last edited by fadibob; Dec 29, 2015 at 10:48 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I Make ARTs Pm me a Request,OK,Bey.
Just wanted to come here and say, i'd appreciate it if one of your clan members and one of this clans leaders, who was multi-clienting could have more respect of the rules and towards players following them. Calling me a "freak" and "lamer" as well as claiming you'll ruin my reputation is a bit rude. I won't name the leader who was multi-clienting, however I will name the other player who called me a freak and such. manila777. Feel free to argue against me and such, but I probably wont reply, and yes, it was in an official tourney in which he did this.

Have a good day ~~~
Tim is bae :3
Originally Posted by ZeDerpyOne View Post
Just wanted to come here and say, i'd appreciate it if one of your clan members and one of this clans leaders, who was multi-clienting could have more respect of the rules and towards players following them. Calling me a "freak" and "lamer" as well as claiming you'll ruin my reputation is a bit rude. I won't name the leader who was multi-clienting, however I will name the other player who called me a freak and such. manila777. Feel free to argue against me and such, but I probably wont reply, and yes, it was in an official tourney in which he did this.

Have a good day ~~~

Fucking voljinj man. Is and will alsays be a fag
it was vol, right?