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How would you change Toribash? Over 1 million TC worth of prizes!


How would you change Toribash?

Hey there. I'm quitting Toribash, and therefore need to find a home for all my items and TC. Due to my failure to sell my account, I've decided to host this event.

The aim of the event is to detail how you would change toribash if you were put in charge for a day. You need to identify the areas that need improvement in the game and the forums, and address them in your own work.

I want to let your imagination flow, so you can enter in any way you want. You can create a piece of art, write an essay, design a mod ir maybe even make a model. the choices are endless and I can guarantee I will make it worth your work. Who knows, maybe even the developers could learn from your ideas

The prizes

This event has perhaps the biggest prize pot ever in toribash history (correct me if i'm wrong!), with over 1,000,000TC overall being given away, via items, sets or just TC.

1st prize - 600,000TC

2nd prize - MY INVENTORY (worth around 500k)

3rd prize - this texture set and this head texture. (head made by zanzaba <3, set made by me)


No plagurism (copying other people's work)
My decision is final on the winners

This competition will end in two weeks, good luck!

Last edited by BirdFlu; Nov 17, 2009 at 07:30 PM.
Quit, probably.
okay everyone, try not to repeat stuff in the suggestions board and also read other people's posts to make sure you're not just repeating.

and yes armour/hair/hats and all that other shit has been mentioned (about once every three posts) so try to restrain yourselves and not post that
Originally Posted by RevengR View Post
im really really sorry if i stole anyones idea, but i just didnt have the time to read everything trough.

booster items
. like ordinary boosters. you get more tc for each win, but! you can wear them too! like, a 50x acid relax booster. it looks like a acid relax, and works like a 50x booster! or specified items. uniqe items. like 50x primary graident or something.

I think if this happens it may decrease the value of an item dramatically.

. buy a house! buy furniture, paint the walls, customize the floor, expand the house. and finnaly, fight in your house! invite your tori neighbours to a fight in your own house, and smash it up! this would also get people to be more active on the forums.

This is like Toripet

brueces and marks
. when you get hit really hard, it leaves a bruece.

Something called a fracture

a good uke bot
. uke gets alive! i know there is already a script for this, but the improved one shall have diffrent kinds of difficuilty, like easy medium and hard. you shall not see what he is doing like in multiplayer. the old one, you see what he is about to do this round on the ghost.

Then ask someone to do it.

. a server just for dancing! and maybe a couple of judges and such.

Then make a server with that

style rewards
. like if you play twinswords, you get on your head and slize him to particles. then you should get
maybe like 40 tc extra, just because it was that awsome!

Sounds like farming. You hit your opponent which is your alternate account. Also, it would really be hard for the computer to define " style ".

daily prizes
. every day you get like 20 tc when you log in to the forum. that way people will be online more often!

I hear alternate accounts.

all time admins
. you create a server, you are admin, woho! but when you leave the server you are not anymore. you should be admin for your server until it shut down. (all players left, you chose to close the server, also a suggestion!).

Then you can kick smods, PT, A-Team which are not allowed since they need total control over the server just incase something bad happens.

texture seller license
. like the flame forge thing they had a while ago. only licensed texture makers are allowed to sell textures. you have to buy your license, or be chosen to get one. you should still be able to do your own textures though, but not sell them. more experienced texture makers = better and more realistic prizes.

Pay for it? I don't think it is needed. It will discourage people to make textures.

a new and improoved world builder with tutorial
. a newly built, easy to use world builder with a tutorial how to use it.

Ask someone to make one.

instafracture. if your in a mod with this HUGE sledgehammer. it would be much more logic if it just fractured instead of dismembered.

That is called Realism

an ingame frame extender
. if you are making a replay and you notice, oh no! im out of frames and there is soo much more cool stuff i want to do! easy as pie! just click your all new frame extender and add a couple of 100 frames! much easier then editing the replay file.

You can just extend them in notepad

grab treshold. works just like dm treshold, just that when it reaches its limit, the hands release from grab mode.

I don't see the point of it.

fracture degrees, like when you get fracture degree 1, you can still move the limb, but its weaker and cant bend to the other side. degree 2, still moaveble but even weaker, can bend to other side. degree 3, like fractures are now.

Fractures are intended to not be moved anymore. That is why it is called a fracture

public servers for all belts
, basicly a public server where you get tc, but anyone can join!

Then pro players will beat beginners everytime.
easier mod changing in multiplayer. like a box coming up when you create a server where you can scroll through mods, change ed, eh, mf and such.

Just type the mod. It is not easier.
customizable uke. you can make uke look just as you want him to look. go to options and press uke options and change his joints, graidents , blood and everything.

You can just edit Uke's custom folder
i know you can edit his custom folder. i know you can edit the text files. but this will make it freakin easier! like, if you moved your limbs by writing commands (/extend right wrist [enter]) that would work. but pressing z in the joint is much easier and works eaven better. im just trying to improve. and the uke bot and world builder, its just ideas! its just a competiotion. your supposed to come with ideas, not make stuff. for gods sake... and with brueces, i mean graphics, not gameplay! it would make marks on the limbs, not make to joint unmovable. and the admin thing, you are as much admin as you are now, but until the server closes, not until you leave. and if the smods want, they can take over the admin role if something would happen. and i mean a public dance server where you win tc, like the public aikido and judo servers. and instafracture, it just would be cool. for mods where you want to fracture instead of dismember. i mean instagib, isnt that just realism? like with swords. but its there anyway. and easier mod changing. it would me much easier for noobs, and they wouldnt had to learn all the commands. im just trying to make it easier.
Last edited by RevengR; Nov 5, 2009 at 01:32 PM.
Swedish Viking
Originally Posted by RevengR View Post
i know you can edit his custom folder. i know you can edit the text files. but this will make it freakin easier! like, if you moved your limbs by writing commands (/extend right wrist [enter]) that would work. but pressing z in the joint is much easier and works eaven better. im just trying to improve. and the uke bot and world builder, its just ideas! its just a competiotion. your supposed to come with ideas, not make stuff. for gods sake... and with brueces, i mean graphics, not gameplay! it would make marks on the limbs, not make to joint unmovable. and the admin thing, you are as much admin as you are now, but until the server closes, not until you leave. and if the smods want, they can take over the admin role if something would happen.

1. Even though it is easier, it will waste the time for programmers. Once they have free time, maybe it can happen.

2. They are ideas. I am giving my comments about it. Even though they seem negative, it are comments. Nothing wrong with that.

3. I don't get you in the admin part. But, Smods or any authority need the ~ sign or admin sign to take over any server or room if there are any trouble. You only get @ since you own the server.
Originally Posted by Aspire View Post
1. Even though it is easier, it will waste the time for programmers. Once they have free time, maybe it can happen.

2. They are ideas. I am giving my comments about it. Even though they seem negative, it are comments. Nothing wrong with that.

3. I don't get you in the admin part. But, Smods or any authority need the ~ sign or admin sign to take over any server or room if there are any trouble. You only get @ since you own the server.

the entire point of this comp is to come up with ideas that will most likely never be implemented. you're not supposed to care if the programmers can do it, or if they can't. you're only meant to come up with radical ideas that are kinda awesome
In all seriousness, the in-game Toribash requires few alterations, despite the fact there are some that are required. I believe that these suggestions I will make will help toribash become a far more appetising game for all groups of people.

Only one thing. I don't have anything more.

1. Scheduled tournaments which run throughout the day, every day. This gives multiple chances to win prizes and the incentive to keep playing.

It would just make things a little more rewarding.

NOW. The forums.

All the crap on the right side:
Get the fuck rid of it. It doesn't really help anyone. What's it going to do? Inform you of who has the most achievements and who just got one? Fuck yeah. Everyone wants to know this.
What a useless waste of space. Really.

That toribash spider thing:
I'm sure the forums doesn't need this, to tell the truth. Rarely do I witness a post from a user in this sub-forum. All it is unused space. Personally, the space could be harnessed in a much more practical manner. It's what I would do.

Activated/Deactivated links:
They're an inconvenience. Let me elaborate. You deactivate something but you want to deactivate more than one thing. The problem is, you get re-directed to the deactivated section. Therefore, you have to click back in to the activated section to deactivate your second item.
I know it may not sound like it, but it gets quite frustrating.

My change for these would be a check box deactivate system. Check what you want deactivated and then click OK. That wouldn't be too hard to implement, I'm sure. Same for the deactivated section, if you want to activate multiple items at once.

A suggestion that has buzzed the forums suggestion box for a while.
Get rid of them. Although not everyone wants to look professional, overall, they just look like shit.
I know you are able to disable the smilies in your own text, but I hate seeing them. I know that's my problem, but I am very sure that others feel the same way.

And that's pretty much it for now.
Originally Posted by SLAPPED View Post
the entire point of this comp is to come up with ideas that will most likely never be implemented. you're not supposed to care if the programmers can do it, or if they can't. you're only meant to come up with radical ideas that are kinda awesome

exactley my point! thank you!
Swedish Viking
I dont have time to look through the posts to see if this has been said but,...

Like you can make your tori slightly stronger, like in real life you can change the perferred hand you use so that your tori is right handed or left handed and if you hit somebody with the preferred hand of choice it makes more of an impact.

Also you could fast forward and rewind through your replays, slow down and all that shit.
^Yup i know this is going on wii but it would be cool for pc too.
Last edited by Oli; Nov 5, 2009 at 07:55 PM.
bring back wibbles
Originally Posted by SpeedyBang View Post
HI BirdFlu !

1. I'm thinking about join textures It will be very good for look. More ca$h, more textures, more options, better game. When you have really good texture set and you cant find cheap and low QI items you can buy join textures! Then ur set will be more attractive and when u want to sell it - more expensive I know we can do join textures but other players cant see it and its to manual to do :/. Look for this :

or this example for join :

2. Easier to see prices on Toribash - more time, more ca$h, bigger belt

3. Easy to look where somebody live :

4. NO FAKES (for example)

5. Replays editor - you can also edit replays - faster, slower etc. at the same as at Wii TB and u can add clouds ;)

6. Biggest sygnatures :/ its too small i think... I dont like when it says : (go back to 7 page)

7. Like a 2 vs 2 team play It will be funny and more bloody. TC will go to this players who wins ;)

8. Toribash 0.1 Adventure Toribash RPG game You have skills, spells, inventory and a lot of more You kill monters zombies etc. I think its a good think for nabi studio ;) Primitive image with gameplay :

9. Toribash 0.1 Alfa Star Wars For Star Wars Fans ;) Toribash game based on very famous film "Star Wars".

10. Toribash Mobile Editon Yes ! You see it ! I must have TB on my phone It's fu**ing good game and i think a lot of people will be happy and pay cash to give TB on their phones

11. Little Fighter 2.0 Toribash[/b] Write LF 2 in google and see what is this... I am making it now I will add an download link when I finish it