warmedic im in D-7 wushu look for me

The best way to keep yourself motivated is to learn how to hate your life to the point where you want to get revenge on existence itself.
^ Gamer, Apply. You can be both.

Ongy, Add new enemie clan and person. clan [Evil] and sorrow1. sorrow1 came into wushu8 and started flaming shiik... so i joined too stop sorrow and he started to flame me aswell. sorrow1 put us on their enemie list and hoped D7 should die, so i decided, we'll do that too. I guess sorrow is just pissy becuase i left [Evil]....

my 10 streak: and a replay too go with it (awesome headbutt):
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Last edited by War; Apr 10, 2010 at 10:29 AM.
fl0w. Logo Designer, PM me.
^first post says it all.

EDIT: I donated 1000tc, ongy
Last edited by War; Apr 10, 2010 at 08:31 AM.
fl0w. Logo Designer, PM me.
simple replay :) ( wushu)
throw this guys arm to ground with my legs makes him DQ ; ) its wat he gets for havin a google head :P
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ff.rpl (30.2 KB, 4 views)

The best way to keep yourself motivated is to learn how to hate your life to the point where you want to get revenge on existence itself.
Gamer i'll add you as single ally soon as im back, Demi the application is on the first page. And brothers dont worry about sorrow, i'll speak to him i know him. I will update the first page bank status when i'm back too, should be in the next hour or so. Thanks Medic ^_^ see you guys in-game later, brother 4 is close i sense him...
I have asked eVon to be our 4th brother and he has accepted he should post soon

The best way to keep yourself motivated is to learn how to hate your life to the point where you want to get revenge on existence itself.